2008年10月19日 星期日

Vinegar and Pennies

On Sat., Ha mentioned to me that his teacher put pennies in the vinegar in order to clean up the pennies, but she hasn't done it successfully. Therefore, I asked Ha if he wanted to do it at home, too. He agreed, so I started collecting "dirty pennies" for our experiment. Here is one of the video clips of the penny cleaning experiment:

Since I was not majored in science, and I was in 社會組 when I was in high school, I interviewed a 路人甲 whose major is EEC"S", at least 和 science 沾上一點邊。Here is what he said:

Well, he mentioned that his interview shouldn't be on my blog, why is it still here? 原來是輿論的壓力:

For some reason, I couldn't upload this video clip, so I posted it on the new entry. Now, you can go to the previous entry to watch the video clip.

I searched on the website for this experiment, and I found this one. http://www.exploratorium.edu/science_explorer/copper_caper.html It offered a good explanations about our experiment, and I guessed that our 路人甲 was right. It's just that he didn't know how to explain in order for people to understand what he meant because when I asked him what is "copper atoms" what is "copper oxide" , or other things on that webpage.., he all knew.

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...


匿名 提到...

Hahahaha, the interview part is funny!

Happy Family 提到...

SF, If he gets some weights, it will be more alike.
JF, I thought so, too.