2008年10月16日 星期四

Hide and Seek - Dark version

Last night, Ha, Hee and Stephen played hide and seek, and this time, they turned off the light. It's a good way to save some energy. If they play it every night, our PG&E bill should look nicer.

5 則留言:

匿名 提到...

看起來好好玩哦. 你也要提醒孩子們講中文.... 我們也是, 愛愛和信信一起玩時兩人特別容易講英文. 信信現在居然也會不少英文,很可愛可是我還是得鼓勵他們多講中文.

Happy Family 提到...

Yes, I tried to do that.

匿名 提到...

playing hide and seek makes me nervous...when people almost find me.

Happy Family 提到...

Actually, me too, so usually Stephen is the one to hide. ( Ha doesn't like to hide, either. Hee likes to hide; however, every time, he hides in his own room and shut the door, so we all know that he's there.)

匿名 提到...

Funny Hee.