2008年10月21日 星期二

NASA Exploration Center

Few weeks ago, Ha told me that his music teacher introduced "Mars" to them, and since I'm not very familir (actually, very unfamilir) with Mars or other planets, I borrowed a book about Mars from the library; however, Ha never read it. For some reason, he started reading the book on Sat., and he's very interested in it, so I thought that it may be good if we can go somewhere to get more information about Mars.

I searched online and found NASA Exploration Center. It's free and not far away from 0ur house, so we went there right away.

When we got in, it was just about to start a video about Mars, so we hurried in and watched it. After the video, I had a little more understanding about this red planet.
The Center was not big, but at least, we were able to see some models of space craft and some space mission photos. I will borrow some more books and video tapes from the library to follow up with Ha's new interest. Hee didn't show too much interest in the planets yet. His interest is writing. He wrote whenever he got time. He had paper all over the floor in every room.

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Hee is like Cheryl. Cheyrl likes to write.

匿名 提到...

You are a wonderful Mom. It's nice to find out more what your kid is interested in.

Happy Family 提到...

JF, yes he is.
SF, If I don't find his interest, he will end up spending the whole day playing with his Legos.