2008年10月30日 星期四

Hee's First Preschool Picture

Today was Hee's school photo day. At first, he was not happy to go to school because in the past 2 days, he was sick and was able to stay home, so even though I knew that he's able to go to school today (yesterday, he was perfectly ok at home playing with R), he still tried to cough loudly to hope that I could change my mind.

I told him that he's perfectly ok, so he should go to school; moreover, if he wanted to have a school photo like Ha's, he needed to go to school today. Since he didn't have any choice, he went to school without crying or arguing.

Tonight, Stephen saw him smiling on the bed, so he asked Hee if he smiled like that when the school photo was taken. Hee said that he didn't remember how he smiled. He said that the photographer made funny faces, did silly trick, but he didn't laugh; at last, "the photographer tickled me! And I laughed!" Hee said. It's not easy to be a photographer!

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

That's funny!

匿名 提到...

Yes, it's not easy to be a photographer to take pictures of kids.