2008年10月29日 星期三

Halloween issue followed up -- emails between teacher and mom

This morning, Ha's teacher sent me an email during the recess time ( I believed):

Joshua told us today that he does not celebrate Halloween. Some children were curious about that, but they were satisfied when I told him that not all families celebrate the same days.
I wanted to let you know that Friday afternoon will be very focused on Halloween with a parade and a party. if you want to pick him up at lunch time you could certainly do that. Otherwise perhaps we could chat so that I know if you want him to participate in the parade etc.

I wrote back:

Thanks for asking. He told me that he will wear his regular clothes for parade, and I think that it will be fine for him to join the Halloween class party unless he chooses not to. He wore the costume when he was in kindergarten, but last night, when we were preparing for the sharing, he told me that he doesn't want to celebrate the Halloween because God doesn't like the ghost or evil spirit things. His brother and I will be there with him for the parade and the class party, and we are sure that he will have fun on Friday with other kids.

And she replied:

Thanks for the response. That sounds good.

So, this will be the way that we handle this Halloween issue. Ha's teacher is very caring, and she loves to communicate with parents regarding to big or small things which she thought that parents should know, so we have the peace of mind when we send Ha to school with her.

7 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

昨晚她還email我4張haha在學校做乾冰實驗的照片。她讓我感覺我好像就在他們學校,well informed.她今年第一年教書,本來是在Apple and HP 做事,後來辭職去拿教育學分。願意放棄高薪的工作,一定是對教育有很大的熱忱。Haha 在kindergarten 算是比較 "special" 的child, 所以學校優先幫他排 1st grade 的班,選適合他的老師,果然看到他在 1st grade 有進步,也很喜歡去上學。神真的看顧我們的需要。

匿名 提到...

真的是很好的老師. 感謝神. 我這個阿姨也很以哈哈為驕傲. 他有"不效法這個世界" 的屬靈特質, 在一個六歲的孩子身上真的很難得.這個大表哥真是弟弟妹妹的好榜樣!!!

Happy Family 提到...

You must be a good teacher, too. A good teacher is a big blessing to students.

匿名 提到...

教書的那四年真的有很豐富的學習.我為著這難得的經驗向神感恩 哈哈的老師雖然是第一年教書, 可是真的,做個好老師,我自己認為, 經驗不是最重要的. 對學生有愛, 才是真難得. 哈哈的老師注意每個學生個別的需要,且願與家長有頻繁的互動, 是很可貴的.
我想起哈哈在班上為神作光就很激動, 求神也使用哈成為他們這班的祝福.

Happy Family 提到...

哈今天放學在車上說,今天中午下雨,老師早一點開門讓他們進去 (recess time),哈在門口make sure 大家都進去了,然後幫老師把教室的門關好。我問他是老師叫他做的嗎?他說是他自己要做的。這可能是老師對他的影響。他在家裡也沒那麼乖啊?

匿名 提到...

Great teacher! Praise the Lord for Ha's great teacher.