2008年10月13日 星期一


How much is for boys' haircut? $10?$12?$15? As long as you have tools at home, it's totally free, and it can be done in 5 minutes, no kidding.

Stephen has done the haircut for Ha and Hee for few years, and he now is an expert of that. I have never tried it. I videotaped the process of the haircut and maybe next time, I can do it, too. ( Stephen said that if I can do a good job at cutting boys' hair, I will be allowed to cut his, too. hahaha.....let's wait and see!)

Here it goes:

and a little clip of Hee:

The video clip was in Chinese, but the main point was that the first tool was #3, and the second one (for top of the head) was #5.

Ha: before and after

Hee: before and after

7 則留言:

匿名 提到...

我們家幫兩個孩子理髮也是老公的任務. 他在中國時學過理髮. 我們家的一套理髮工具還是老公從中國帶來的, 已經十多年了...
剛結婚不久,他有次叫我幫他理髮, 我手忙腳亂,緊張出一身汗, 花了好長的時間理了好醜的一頭頭髮, 那是第一次也是最後一次, 我請他不要再省那錢了, 還是出去理吧!

Happy Family 提到...

That will pretty much be the same case for us... if he really has the courage for me to cut his hair for the first time, which I really doubt.

Pko2003 提到...

wow..很厲害! 我也不敢理我老公的頭髮,所以他都自己剪自己的頭。 應該叫妳老公跟我老公兩個人互相理髮。

匿名 提到...

Phil and I cut Caleb's hair together once, and it looked like 狗啃的。So he gets his haircut from salon for $7.
Phil never asked me to cut his hair, and I am pretty sure he will never will.

Happy Family 提到...

It's cheaper in your area.

匿名 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

Yes, if you trust Stephen's skill. 妳手比我巧得多,應該可以試試用那工具幫他理,妳一定沒問題的。