2008年10月17日 星期五

New Friend

Today, when Ha was in the kitchen eating his favorite bread, he told me that he has a new friend whose name is Ben. He told me that they play together during recess time on the playing structure and sometimes, they sit together during the lunch hour. Besides that, he said that he knew 3 people who are not in his class , and they played on the playing structure together.

Ha is a shy boy, and the interpersonal skill is his weakest point, but I'm glad that he starts to open up himself a little bit at school. ( At home, he's very talkative, it's almost impossible to have him stop talking especially during the dinner time and breakfast time, so he eats super slow). His teacher does a good job to help him feel secure and happy at school, and he never complains about school. I went to teacher/parent conference last week, and I could tell that his teacher observed the kids very well. When I mentioned to her that I was not sure how to bring up Ha's interest in reading: He didn't want to read the easy book because it was boring, but he doesn't have the ability to read the hard book, either. His teacher asked me to bring home a book that his neighbor was reading during the quiet time, and she said that Ha seemed to peek on the book when that kid was reading. When I brought home the book, Ha recognized immediately that it was the book that his neighbor was reading, and he read about 70% of that book all by himself. Therefore, I went to the library to borrow a few books in the same series, and Ha seemed to like them, too. There are about 20 kids in a class, and I was grateful that Ha has such a caring teacher who pays attention to details of the kids.

Hee told me that he played with friends in YMCA and preschool, too, but he didn't know their names. Hee is more outgoing than Ha, so I am not really worried about his interpersonal skills.

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

It's good to hear that Ha is slowly opening up himself. Caleb's personality is somewhat similar to Ha.

Happy Family 提到...

Is that right? I haven't noticed that.

匿名 提到...

Caleb is naughty when he is with someone he is famiiar with. He is like a 木頭人 in the toddler room on Sundays.