2008年10月28日 星期二

I'm Soooooooo Proud of Haha

This week, in Ha's class, the sharing topic is "Draw a picture of what you are going to be for Halloween", and there's an option:" For those who do not celebrate Halloween, please draw a very nice picture of things that remind you of fall".

Last year, we bought a bear costume from Craigslist for Ha, so this year, I told him that he can wear that one as well. I also mentioned to him before that Christian do not celebrate Halloween because it's related to ghost or the evil things that God doesn't like, so we don't go to treat or trick but go to the Harvest Night in the church instead. I don't want him to feel leftout at school, so I let him wear the costume to school last year.

However, when I asked him to draw the bear for tomorrow's sharing, he told me that he wanted to draw a leaf because he doesn't celebrate Halloween, so he's going to draw something that reminds him of fall. Then, I asked him if he will wear the regular clothes to school on Friday, and he said yes. I told him that he may look strange when other kids wear their costume and he doesn't. He said that it's ok because when he was in kindergarten, there were some kids not wearing the costume, either.

I was so surprised and yet, so proud of his "guts". Being a Christian for so many years, I don't think that I have the same courage as Ha to live differently from others in order to please God. He made a lot of Yes on 8 signs and wanted to put in our front yard, but I was afraid that those people who support No on 8 will do bad things to us, so I asked Ha not to put them there. I only dared to put the signs on the street where is further away from our house. 如果基督徒都像Ha一樣,福音可能早就到地極了。

6 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...


我也試著跟小卡解釋,我們不慶祝萬聖節,不知道她懂不懂。不過他們學校還是有活動,是在學校裡做treat or trick ,本來不像讓她去學校,可惜這個星期五早上剛好得去檢查,所以只好送她去上課。希望短短的幾個小時沒影響到她太多。

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Happy 38 Birthday!

Proud of Ha!

我們也從未慶祝萬聖節, RoRo也沒去過treat or trick. She is very OK with it, and she knows very well that Halloween is not a 節日for Christians. 但他們班上這週五有Costume Parade, and her teacher asks me to volunteer on that day. 我們沒買過costume給她, 她將穿今夏去Disneyland之前, Angela買給她的公主裝。
昨晚柔去學鋼琴,老師問她和另一同學是否會去treat or trick. The other kid said yes, and Cheryl said No. Cheryl told her teacher that she is a Christian, so she does not celebrate Halloween.

匿名 提到...

Charity does not seem to care for Halloween either. Her preschool has costume day on Friday and she will just wear a princess outfit Ran's parents bought her a while ago. I don't want to make it a big deal for her. Her preschool is Christian school and the teacher only allow good and friendly costume for fun. Thumps up for HAHA!!!

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去年Halloween呼呼請假沒去上學,因為他知道我們家不celebrate Halloween,他也很Ok待在家裏,因為Halloween當天學校除了有parade,每班也會有慶祝party,幾乎大半天都在搞Halloween的東西,不去也不會miss anything。呼呼本來也決定今年Halloween要待在家裏,但是今年剛好星期五學校不上課,所以他們會在星期四慶祝Halloween,又要交homework,還有spelling test....,所以他說今年得去上學,但是他不想穿costume,(我其實有幫他準備cowboy的costume)。我覺得男生好像比較不care別人的眼光。

Happy Family 提到...

Hee's preschool doesn't have Halloween party, and they celebrate harvest day as well, so I don't need to worry about him. For younger children, since they don't know what halloween is, so we don't need to make it a big deal for them, and when they are older, we can explain to them, and they will understand and make their own decision.

Happy Family 提到...

Huhu 也是個神的精兵!這些小孩似乎比我們還要firm.