2008年10月29日 星期三

2 Boys and 1 Girl

These 2 days, our friend P was busy, so her daughter R came to our house from 9 to 6.
Yesterday, Hee had a fever, so he slept for almost the whole day. R is a great helper, and she helped me to hang the clothes, put boxes into the recycle bin, and swept the leaves with Ha ( oops, 被大家發現我使用童工了!)

Today, Hee felt much better, so he and R fixed the tricycles in my garage, and they made the cards for moms (well, I haven't got the card yet???)

Having 3 kids at home is not too much different from having 2 because they can play by themselves. Ha and Hee are good brothers, and they can take care of R pretty much. So, should we have the 3rd one? Of course, NO! If we want to have a girl in our house, we can occasionally borrow R from P&J. She's nice and polite and helpful, and it's great to have her around.

For more photos, please watch the slide show on the side bar later.

6 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...



Happy Family 提到...


匿名 提到...

哈哈嘻嘻很會照顧小弟弟妹妹. 愛愛信信也很喜歡跟表哥玩.

Happy Family 提到...

They love to play with Ai and Xin as well.

匿名 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

Now, she's popular~