2008年10月9日 星期四

Good Advice

I'm ok in terms of driving, but I'm not very sure about my parking skill especially on parallel parkings.

The day before yesterday, Hee and I went to YMCA, but the parking lot was all full, so I had to park parallel on street. I told Hee that I was afraid to park parallel because I didn't know how. Hee told me: KEEP TRYING, NO CRYING!!!!! ( This was what his sports coach told them when they tried to make the basket while playing basketball. Some of the kids started to cry when they couldn't make the basket.)

This was a good advice, and I did park my car well after few tries. If he didn't say that to me, I might just give up and find an easier parking spot far away, but I may never learn the parallel parking.

8 則留言:

匿名 提到...

That's right! Don'g give up easily!!!

Pko2003 提到...

hee真是上帝派給媽媽的天使,還會給媽媽好建議!And I like your new blog^O^.

匿名 提到...

大姐, 我有個疑問, 你和二姐的部落格都是Google, but yours is blogspot, and hers is blogger. What's the difference? And what's in commom?

匿名 提到...

SF: I have absolutely no idea about blogspot or blogger. I just happened to use blogspot.
Pei: Yes, kids remembered what adults told them, and they expect us to do what we said.

Sophia 提到...

Ran said blogger and blogspot are the same thing!

匿名 提到...

Oh, I see!

Jenniflower 提到...

I also have blogspot!

Happy Family 提到...

Oh, I see.