2009年3月25日 星期三

Magic School Bus

I saw Magic School Bus books and videos in the library long time ago, but I never was interested in borrowing them home. The title was not attractive to me at all. "Magic"? I doubted how good will this kind of books be.

About half a year ago, we went to the library book sale. On the second day of the book sale, the books were sold $3 per paper bag. We could put as many books in as we wanted as long as the bag could hold. For some reason, we put 2 or 3 Magic School Bus series in (maybe because they were thin.)

At home, I read the books to Ha and Hee every night, and one night, they chose one of the Magic School Bus books for me to read. I love it! Absolutely love it! And from then on, I started recorded Magic School Bus TV programs for them to watch and tried to borrow books from the library if I could find them. (They were not in one section, so it's not easy to locate.)

Magic School Bus series introduced all kinds of science to the kids in the way that they could understand: weather, solar system, water, animal, chemistry reaction, rainbow, rainforest, our body.........Kids and their teacher Mrs. Frizzle took their magic school bus to different interesting tours, and we could learn many things from their tours.

7 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...


匿名 提到...

我們現在是喜歡Backyardians, 我從圖書館借這系列的書, 好可愛也很好笑. 我們家大人小孩都喜歡.

匿名 提到...

Our class watched one epidsode on marine biology last month. Kids love Magic School Bus. Even the upper graders!

匿名 提到...

呼呼有段時間也很喜歡Magic School Bus的書,非常有趣且學到很多science。

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孤陋寡聞, 沒聽過耶! I need to bother some from the library.

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I found lots of Magic School Bus video clips on You Tube.

Happy Family 提到...

小孩子的興趣一直變,從Dora,Diego,Max&Ruby,Dragon Tale,WonderPet,到 Magic School Bus. 只有這個我也喜歡看。