2009年3月11日 星期三

Cheese and 臭豆腐

When I was in Taiwan last month, I dreamed of eating 臭豆腐 because it was one of my favorites in my childhood memory. It was so delicious especially adding some good chili sauce and sweet 泡菜。 However, when we saw a 臭豆腐攤 in our family trip with my mom's relatives, Ha covered his nose and said that it smelt awful, Hee didn't like it, either, and Stephen said that it was made by 發霉。。。, I just didn't have the appetites anymore, and I didn't have an opportunity to find another 臭豆腐 for the rest of our trip in Taiwan.

When Sophia came back from Taiwan, she told me that she ate the 臭豆腐, and the rest of her family were against it, too, but she still finished the whole plate by herself.

I should have done that! I will eat it next time when I am in Taiwan no matter what the other 3 boys say!

Last night, my brother and sister-in-law brought a pizza to my house, and with the pizza, there were some Parmesan cheese packs. Ha was sitting next to me and using the cheese. To me, it smelt awful, but to them, it was delicious.

Even though I have been to the U.S for about 20 years, and I was in Taiwan for less than 19 years (How old am I?) , I still have a Chinese mouth. I don't have problems with most of the American food; however, I still don't have a good feeling about cheese. Does it make by 發霉。。。, too? 唉,我還是想我的臭豆腐。

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

I am glad I had stinky tofu even rest of my family didn't like it. I really didn't mind because I could enjoy the entire plate all by myself.

匿名 提到...

Same here. I like stinky tofu and dislike cheese. The good thing is Phil also likes stinky tofu. We usually order it at 阿宗麵線 and 168餐廳。

Happy Family 提到...

I'll try to find an "alone" time to enjoy the 臭豆腐 myself when I go back to Taiwan next time,免得他們在那裡喊臭,影響我食慾。