Stephen always take care of kids' haircut, and I just need to get kids ready before hand and take them to the shower afterwards. My biggest headache was to deal with their clothes with many small hairs on. Finally, I got a great idea: By using 2 big garbage bags, their whole body including the clothes and shoes was all wrapped, and it was so easy for me to clean up the clothes.
6 則留言:
Wrapped in garbage bag. 不熱嗎?
Pei: 女生買長dress時,店裡通常會用長長的袋子套住,那個可能夠長。(Ha,Hee 長高後我就要用那種。)
karen: 記得哦,以後如果生兒子,要用這招。
Mr.D: 兒子忍受5分鐘(Stephen動作很快)換來老媽的輕鬆一點,叫孝順!
hahaha~ you're so funny. 現代廿四孝故事. 以前的孩子暖被, 現在的孩子暖垃圾袋, 都是為了孝順, 值得後人學習 XD
I have to say, this is a pretty clever idea.