2009年3月13日 星期五


When people say: 吃飯皇帝大, it means that when you are eating, nothing else can bother you until you finish eating; but to Hee, he's 睡覺皇帝大: when he's sleeping, nothing else can bother him until he wakes up.

Hee is such a good sleeper, and he's able to sleep through the night around 1 and 1/2 month old, and he never got up in the middle of the night ever since he's a baby. Also, he can fall asleep quickly by himself because sleeping seems to be a enjoyable thing to him(just like me!). I have absolutely no complain about that, and I have to be thankful to God because he has a wonderful sleep pattern.

The problem is that since nothing can bother him during his sleep, he never goes peepee at night. Now, he's too old for a diaper, so I let him wear the underwear and pant, and I put a pull-up outside of the pant to prevent the wetness of the whole bed. Usually, we wake him up twice at night to go to the bathroom, and he's making a progress in terms of keeping the underwear dry as long as he goes to the bathroom. However, these 3 nights, both Stephen and I slept through the night, and Hee wet the underwear every night.

It didn't seem to bother him at all. It smelt bad, it was wet, but he could still sleep comfortably until we woke him up to change the clothes. Last night, he not only wet his underwear, his pant, the diaper, and also wet the bed, but he didn't call us and didn't show any sign of discomfort. He didn't drink anything at night, but I guessed that he ate too much cantaloupe last night. I will try to change his fruit time to the afternoon; and hopefully, we can wake up at night to wake him up for the bathroom trip.

8 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...



Happy Family 提到...


匿名 提到...

Jeremy 是睡覺最不重要, 任何噪音, 動靜都會影響他的睡眠. 三歲的他一直到最近才願乖乖跟姊姊睡, 不用爸媽陪. 回來也快一星期了, 他又重新訓練成功, 可以跟姊姊睡了. 他晚上是自己上廁所, 有時哭哭, 沒人理他, 他就自己去. 在晚上睡覺這事他比起以前是進步多了.
愛愛也是能憋尿的類型, 但在台灣時"自動馬桶"不普遍, 他倒是上廁所特別勤快.

匿名 提到...

LeLe已完全脫離尿布。 半夜自己會去上廁所,有時叫我、有時自己去。 我偷偷在他床單下鋪兩大塊塑膠布,以防萬一,但已很久沒有意外。我想,當HeeHee知道有pull-up,他就不會想起床尿尿。如果你也在他床單下鋪塑膠布,只給他穿內褲,會不會成功呢?

Happy Family 提到...

Hee 雖然尿布在外面,不過褲子仍是濕的,他也不care,我也在他床單下鋪三大塊塑膠布,有時不放尿布,他要尿還是尿,對他沒什麼用。他並不覺得濕褲子或濕床對他的睡眠有什麼妨礙。唯一的方法就是我們定鬧鐘,11點一次,三點一次,叫他起床尿,這幾天我們這樣做,他才能一路乾到天亮。

Happy Family 提到...

Ha and Hee 不但怕自動馬桶,連平常馬桶沖馬桶的聲音都怕(不怕家裡的),在外面廁所尿完了還要我們沖。

匿名 提到...

Le covers his ears when flushing the toilets, especially when we are using the restrooms outside.

It is a tough job for you to potty train your 2 boys...

Happy Family 提到...

Well, we didn't train Ha at all. When Hee was ready, Ha was ready by himself, day and night. Hee was ok at day when he's 2 years old, but for night, we may need to wair until his 膀胱 gets bigger or until he doesn't love to sleep so much (which is not very possible). Since he gave us a lot of good night sleep when he was a baby, it's not too bad to wake him up at 3 every night. After the bathroom, he goes right back to sleep, and we go right back to sleep, too.