It's Spring, and I started wearing short sleeves during the day, but my 3 boys still had their jackets (thick jackets) on most of the time. When I went to pick up Hee, he had his jacket; when I went to pick up Ha, he also had his jacket. Every day, I asked them countless times: 不熱嗎?,but they always say no.
6 則留言:
Yes, it's getting hot! I'm wearing short sleeves too.
Cheryl is the opposite of your 3 men. She wore short sleeves when it was not hot.
我們家最怕冷的就是老公了, 小孩比我還不怕冷. 我們這個週末又冷起來了, 只有不到四十度.
星期六還下雪了. 現在門前還積著雪呢. 星期六晚有風雪, 我們家門前的樹還斷了一截呢. 孩子昨天和老公在門口堆雪人, 我有照片,再上傳. 現在氣溫是六十度, 還好. 我們經過了幾個星期的春天現在又回到冬天了, 氣候多變....這就是芝加哥.