2009年3月23日 星期一

Another Camera Tragedy

Yes, another camera tragedy! But this time, Hee was the 肇事者.

Usually, Ha used my old camera to take pictures, and Hee didn't have any (He broke his own "cheap" camera long long long time ago), so I let him use my good camera when he wanted to take pictures. Since it's a digital camera, he could take whatever he liked, and I could delete some of them that I didn't like. (He usually takes pictures of floor, desk, chairs, his toys....)

I haven't uploaded photos to my computer for a while, so I had about 30 pictures still in the camera. On Saturday, when I was ready to take pictures of their new haircut, I found that my old photos were all gone! Hee accidentally deleted them! He hasn't read well yet, but he is not afraid of playing things around even though he was not sure what the words said, so I guessed that he pressed the "delete all" bottom and it's a done deal!

Well, I was pretty upset about losing the photos, but I was not really angry at him. He didn't do it on purpose, and it was a good lesson for him. I believe that he will be extra careful when he plays with my camera.

When I was young, one day, my sister and I 用手吊在掛毛巾的桿子上盪來盪去,像盪秋千,沒幾下桿子就斷了。我們拿一堆玩具想修回去,也沒用。爸爸回來,也沒生氣,一下就修好了,but we learned that the 桿子is not盪秋千after that.

4 則留言:

匿名 提到...

It's good that you could still stay calm when Hee accidentally deleted those photos. I was impatient with my kids a few days last week. I was easy to get mad. It could be PMS. I am better these days. May God continue to give me love and patience.
I remember the childhood incident. That's how Ran is to our kids. He can almost fix everything so he is almost always calm.

Pko2003 提到...


匿名 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

SF: I believed that they must have felt guilty when they made the mistake, so usually, I would at most mention it to them 2 to 3 times, and then I wouldn't mention it again.
Pei: 是啊,這也是我這次學到的lesson.
JF: Yes, thank God!