2009年3月31日 星期二
3個酸媽媽 作者:小野
3個媽媽聚在一起聊天。 其中一個非常失落地說:「中秋節難得全家團聚,剛剛接下他爸爸事業的兒 子和新婚媳婦也從大陸趕回家來,大家一起烤肉。 我兒子每烤好一串肉,就夾到媳婦的盤子裡,夾滿了整整一盤。我的盤子始終 空空的,他都沒看見,就像他永遠看不到我空虛的心一樣。幾個月前我們才花 一大筆錢幫他們辦婚禮,新房也是他老爸送的。他們吃的住的都靠我們,而我 卻連一串烤肉都分不到。夠心酸的吧?」
另一個媽媽也跟著抱怨起來:「哎喲,只是吃不到兒子的烤肉,這可不是最壞 的,至少還沒叫你烤給媳婦吃就偷笑了。我兒子剛從國外出差回來,送我一個 鑰匙環,也送他妹妹一個鑰匙環。卻花他兩個月的薪水買了一只卡地亞的女錶 送給他的女朋友,還一直問我說,送錶會不會太寒酸了?我就故意說,如果嫌 寒酸就送給我好了,你就送她鑰匙環。如果她真心愛你,應該不會在乎禮物的 價值的。說完我就把鑰匙環交給他,把那只錶搶過來,他竟然和我翻臉,差一 點把我推倒。夠心酸了吧?比你酸多了吧。」
第三個媽媽深深地嘆了一口氣說:「妳們只要換個角度想想就不會難過了,兒 子對自己的老婆或是女朋友好,表示他們非常恩愛,我們應該為孩子的感情有 歸宿感到高興才對。 兩個正在戀愛中的人本來就是看不到別人的,更何況本來就像是空氣一般存在 的老媽。 老媽是孩子的空氣,只有缺氧的時候才會發現空氣的重要,偏偏做媽媽的特別 賤,永遠不讓孩子缺氧。 我有個兒子已經30多歲了,他的女朋友就是那台電腦,每天就窩在屋子裡和電 腦談戀愛,足不出戶。我實在看不下去,只好每天替他清垃圾, 弄點東西給他吃。他常常嫌我煩要趕我出去,有一次還用腳踢我呢。」 「真正最心酸的是我。我不知道還要照顧這個兒子到幾歲?如果他能有個女朋 友, 我可以烤肉給他的女朋友吃,也可以買卡地亞送她。」這個媽媽說著說著就哭 了起來。
I don't know how other Moms feel about this article, but to me, I disagree with it. 孩子是神所賜的產業,父母只是管家,他們有一天是要建立自己的家庭,有他們自己的責任。對自己的妻子比對媽媽好,並沒什麼不對;at least, 我自己就不會太care. 孩子能體貼到每個人的需要固然是很好,但有時沒顧到自己,也沒什麼好upset的。其實,老公才是最重要的,才是真正相伴一生的人。肉串,當然是找老公夾嘍!
2009年3月30日 星期一


2009年3月26日 星期四
2009年3月25日 星期三
Magic School Bus
About half a year ago, we went to the library book sale. On the second day of the book sale, the books were sold $3 per paper bag. We could put as many books in as we wanted as long as the bag could hold. For some reason, we put 2 or 3 Magic School Bus series in (maybe because they were thin.)
At home, I read the books to Ha and Hee every night, and one night, they chose one of the Magic School Bus books for me to read. I love it! Absolutely love it! And from then on, I started recorded Magic School Bus TV programs for them to watch and tried to borrow books from the library if I could find them. (They were not in one section, so it's not easy to locate.)
Magic School Bus series introduced all kinds of science to the kids in the way that they could understand: weather, solar system, water, animal, chemistry reaction, rainbow, rainforest, our body.........Kids and their teacher Mrs. Frizzle took their magic school bus to different interesting tours, and we could learn many things from their tours.
2009年3月24日 星期二
Back here, I got a lot of "free" plastic bags every week from the grocery shopping, and even though we used them as garbage bags, we still have many in the drawer.
I had 3 free 環保袋 from City of Cupertino and Marina Market, but I never used them before. They were in my closet for more than a year, but I never thought of using them because I didn't think that it would be convenient to me to bring the bags to the market. Today, I decided to give them a try. When I handed the bags to the cashier, I felt so proud of myself because I was making the effort to protect the environment, and I felt "臉上有光,走路有風".All my groceries (around $70)were fit into those 3 bags, and it actually saved me some time to take the groceries from the car to the kitchen because instead of 10+ plastic bags, I just needed to carry 3 bags. I loved it!
Well, I may still get the plastic bags from the market when I ran out of the garbage bags, but I will be using the 環保袋 more and more in the future.
2009年3月23日 星期一
Another Camera Tragedy
Usually, Ha used my old camera to take pictures, and Hee didn't have any (He broke his own "cheap" camera long long long time ago), so I let him use my good camera when he wanted to take pictures. Since it's a digital camera, he could take whatever he liked, and I could delete some of them that I didn't like. (He usually takes pictures of floor, desk, chairs, his toys....)
I haven't uploaded photos to my computer for a while, so I had about 30 pictures still in the camera. On Saturday, when I was ready to take pictures of their new haircut, I found that my old photos were all gone! Hee accidentally deleted them! He hasn't read well yet, but he is not afraid of playing things around even though he was not sure what the words said, so I guessed that he pressed the "delete all" bottom and it's a done deal!
Well, I was pretty upset about losing the photos, but I was not really angry at him. He didn't do it on purpose, and it was a good lesson for him. I believe that he will be extra careful when he plays with my camera.
When I was young, one day, my sister and I 用手吊在掛毛巾的桿子上盪來盪去,像盪秋千,沒幾下桿子就斷了。我們拿一堆玩具想修回去,也沒用。爸爸回來,也沒生氣,一下就修好了,but we learned that the 桿子is not盪秋千after that.
2009年3月20日 星期五
地點: Home of Christ Church in Cupertino (10340 Bubb Road, Cupertino, CA 95014)
時間: 3/22/09 (Sunday) 5PM
地點: Home of Christ Church in Cupertino (10340 Bubb Road, Cupertino, CA 95014)
時間:3/22/09 (Sunday) 1:30pm
2009年3月19日 星期四
Playtime at School
“Who were in the house?”I asked.
"Miss E black hair, Miss E yellow hair, and I", he said. (He did say their names, but I didn't want to post them in public. Both of their first name started with "E" )
"What were you doing in the house?"I asked.
"I am the daddy, but I didn't remember who's the mommy and who's the kid" he said.
It felt so funny to learn that my little boy was playing the house with two other girls. I was playing the game few years ago with my sisters, and I also played it at school. I asked Hee who his best friend is, and I named few kids in the church and at school, and he chose "Miss E black hair" to be his best friend.
In the afternoon, when I picked up Ha, I asked him the same about what he did during recess time, and he said that he were trying to catch "Mr. E". He helped to block his way, so other kids could catch him. He told me that Mr. B, Mr. M, Mr. S were also playing. It was a typical boy game, and he seemed to have fun. This time, I didn't ask him who his best friend is because I was sure that he would say: I don't know.
2009年3月18日 星期三
This was the first time that I really understood 加速度! I learned it when I was in Middle School, and I never really understood it. I just memorized some of the formula and tried to pull them into the questions to get the answers. Sometimes, luckily, I was right, and sometimes, I was wrong. Anyways, I said goodbye to Physics, Chemistry and Biology after the high school enterance exam, and I never expected to see them ever again in my life.
But today, I was talking "加速度" to my boy. Then, I went online to know more about my old friend "加速度". I found that I could actually understand a little bit about what the teacher said in the following article: (besides "加速度", Hee also spent big amount of time today trying to do the experiment about 槓桿原理。 He gathered many small stone and placed them on either side of the wood which was on a pail to see which side of the wood would fall faster.)
安徽省肥东县综合高中 陈之怀http://www.ehappystudy.com/html/7/49/352/2007/8/zl535215919518700219584-0.htm
师:实际上速度改变的快慢与生活是紧密相连的,那么,同学们能否举一些例子出来,进行说明。 (经过2分钟后,估计无学生会主动站起来描述)
(出示小黑板) 师:小黑板上所列的是四个物体的运动情况,它们都是同学们所熟悉,身边发生的事。请同学们判断一下,谁速度改变最快,谁速度改变最慢。
师:通常情况下,比较速度改变的快慢,物体所用的时间不一样,速度的改变大小也不一样,此时,我们都可以计算平均每秒钟速度的变化量。即第三种方法具有普遍意义。并由此算出以上四个物体每秒速度变化的数值分别为:1.5 10 0.2 0
( 这一过程非常重要,借此学生可熟悉公式、单位,教师也可从巡视中发现错误,并引出加速度的物理意义。)
师:进行规范,并给出正确答案,大小分别为:1.5m∕s2 10m∕s2 0.2m∕s2 0
问:请同学们想一想:1.5m∕s2表示什么样的意思? 师生共同分析,结合定义,得出物理意义;并让学生说出其它数值的含义。
2.解:以小车开始运动的方向为正方向,V1= 10m∕s, 因为未速度与开始运动的方向相反,且速度为矢量, ∴ V2= -5m∕s 则ΔV= -15 m∕s ∴a=(-15)∕(0.1)m∕s2=-150 m∕s2
即:此时加速度大小为150 m∕s2 ,负号表示a方向与车开始运动的方向相反。
加速度的方向 加速度的方向与速度改变量的方向相同。加速直线运动,加速度的方向与速度方向相同;减速直线运动与速度方向相反。
奇瑞轿车: 11.64s 新奥迪A84车:7s 宝马车:6.3s
作业: P31, 1、3。
2009年3月16日 星期一
Then, Ha said : "飛機上去的時候,我也有一點飛機sick. 我的heart跳的很快,我就用手把它壓住。飛機在天上和landing的時候我都ok."
He never told us that before, and I thought that kids wouldn't feel scared on the airplane ( Hee said that he didn't feel anything.). I have to say that Ha acted very calm on the plane that I didn't even notice that he's nervious, too.
Haha sometimes is also「天長地久的磨」, and he uses a lot of time at the things that we don't think that it's important, such as "making the bed". Before he goes to bed, he wants to make sure that all of his sheets are in the correct order of the layers and all of the sheets need to be absolutely neat. (well, if you can't imagine, try to think the bed when you are in the hotel room.)I told him that as long as he falls asleep, his sheets will be messy, but he still spends his precious sleeping time doing this "important" work. I can tell that he does this not because he doesn't want to sleep but because he really thinks that it's a "must" for a good night sleep.
When he is doing his homework, we sometimes feel that he is a 過動兒, and he can't sit still for few minutes, but when he draws (using MS "Paint"), does legos or other things that he loves to do (even reading, because now, his school has a reading program, and he wants to get the ribbon. He has got one already), he can sit there for hours, and he does do very good job at those things:很有質感 !
2009年3月13日 星期五
Hee is such a good sleeper, and he's able to sleep through the night around 1 and 1/2 month old, and he never got up in the middle of the night ever since he's a baby. Also, he can fall asleep quickly by himself because sleeping seems to be a enjoyable thing to him(just like me!). I have absolutely no complain about that, and I have to be thankful to God because he has a wonderful sleep pattern.
The problem is that since nothing can bother him during his sleep, he never goes peepee at night. Now, he's too old for a diaper, so I let him wear the underwear and pant, and I put a pull-up outside of the pant to prevent the wetness of the whole bed. Usually, we wake him up twice at night to go to the bathroom, and he's making a progress in terms of keeping the underwear dry as long as he goes to the bathroom. However, these 3 nights, both Stephen and I slept through the night, and Hee wet the underwear every night.
It didn't seem to bother him at all. It smelt bad, it was wet, but he could still sleep comfortably until we woke him up to change the clothes. Last night, he not only wet his underwear, his pant, the diaper, and also wet the bed, but he didn't call us and didn't show any sign of discomfort. He didn't drink anything at night, but I guessed that he ate too much cantaloupe last night. I will try to change his fruit time to the afternoon; and hopefully, we can wake up at night to wake him up for the bathroom trip.
2009年3月12日 星期四
Leprechaun Trap
It reminded me that he made a leprechaun trap when he was in kindergarten, too. At that time, even though he had some idea in mind, he still needed me and stephen's help in order to finish the project. It was a huge trap, and it was a huge star in his classroom on that day. see http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-RFrkaVAocrWPQEHcSlK_TZd.?bid=2803&yy=2008&mm=3
(for some reason, video clips were gone! Bad Yahoo!You may watch it from my Yahoo! Video http://video.yahoo.com/watch/2205972/6966312)
I still remembered that in kindergarten, when he was doing the trap, he was having a cold and staying home, and this time, Ha was staying home last Friday because of the cold, too. I believed that these 2 days were the only days that Ha stayed home because of illness. What a coincidence!
Next year, I should pay more attention to Ha and give him more vitamin C around the time of making the leprechaun trap. (Around March 6)
(I'll load the photo of the new leprechaun trap later)
2009年3月11日 星期三
Cheese and 臭豆腐
When Sophia came back from Taiwan, she told me that she ate the 臭豆腐, and the rest of her family were against it, too, but she still finished the whole plate by herself.
I should have done that! I will eat it next time when I am in Taiwan no matter what the other 3 boys say!
Last night, my brother and sister-in-law brought a pizza to my house, and with the pizza, there were some Parmesan cheese packs. Ha was sitting next to me and using the cheese. To me, it smelt awful, but to them, it was delicious.
Even though I have been to the U.S for about 20 years, and I was in Taiwan for less than 19 years (How old am I?) , I still have a Chinese mouth. I don't have problems with most of the American food; however, I still don't have a good feeling about cheese. Does it make by 發霉。。。, too? 唉,我還是想我的臭豆腐。
Small Bed
During their stay, we thought that it would be good if they could stay in one room, and our master bedroom was the only room which could place an airbed. Since Ha was having a cold, we didn't want to get it from him, so he was in his room alone, and Stephen and I slept in a twin size bed in Hee's room while he was in another one.
Actually, a twin size bed was bigger than we thought. We could have our own space, and we had good-night sleep every night. Monday night, it was our last night sleeping in the small bed together. I asked Stephen: Did you feel any difference in terms of sleeping comfort between twin bed and our own Queen size bed? He said no, and I didn't feel different, either. My next question was: Why do people buy King or Cal-King? S: 打架用; Y:分居。 What else? No more, because both of us fell asleep on the comfortable twin size bed.
Mid night, I woke up to remind Hee to the bathroom, and when I came to the bed, I thanked God that we had a bed to sleep on. When Jesus was born, he didn't even have a bed. Well, He was still a baby. With a cloth wrapped, he might be ok; however, it's a sacrifice for Mary and Joseph. I couldn't imagine that I sleep in a manger. But thank God that he sent the shepherds and wisemen to see Jesus. When Mary and Joseph knew that their child was the Savior, they might feel much better.
2009年3月10日 星期二
翹腿上網椎間盤破裂 取出6公分骨刺
醫師提醒,翹腳、彎腰駝背、長期姿勢不良,都會導致脊椎受力不均而移位,或者是退化,造成椎間盤病變,因此還是少翹腳比較保險。(新聞來源:東森新聞記者徐敬芸、王鎮宇、梁家銘) From http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090310/17/1fslf.html
2009年3月8日 星期日
講員:陳希曾 博士系列:天路歷程-曠野42站
各位觀眾大家好,我們又來到了『基督徒的成長路』這個單位,基督徒成長路 - 曠野四十二站。我想剛開始的時候,我們還是回到最近很熟悉的四十二站表,從四十二站表裡面,我們知道四十二站可以分做三個階段(第一段,第二段,第三段),我們已經看過了四站:就是疏割、以倘、密奪、瑪拉。
這個對他們來講實在是個非常美妙的經歷,因為在曠野裡面已經走了那麼久,在瑪拉又是苦水,幸好 神叫瑪拉變成甜的,但是現在他再往前走,就是再往前走一站的時候,就是『以琳』。那麼以琳的特點是什麼呢?它事實上是沙漠的一個小綠洲,特別在沙漠你會覺得綠洲是格外的可愛,在一片的枯黃當中,你找到了一片的青翠,這就是以琳。那麼以琳的意思就是「棕樹」的意思。就在以琳那裡他們找到十二股的水泉、有七十顆的棕樹。
我們現在稍微看一看這個圖,我們的示意圖就是以琳。這畫就是大概一百年前以琳的風光,所以的的確確那是沙漠中的一個綠洲,那麼再看下面這個皂莢樹,就是我們上一次提到的皂莢樹。我們說皂莢樹遠遠的看過去像傘一樣,一點都不錯,很高的。你現在看不大覺得,它其實很高,而且很多的刺,這個皂莢樹完全是給駱駝吃的,因為駱駝是沙漠之舟嘛!這就是他們的糧食。因為有刺,而駱駝的舌頭是可以、是不怕刺,可是牛和羊就不行了,所以牛和羊不可能和他們競爭,這就是我們所說的皂莢樹。那麼 神就告訴摩西說:『你把樹就丟到水裡面』結果瑪拉苦水就變成甜的了。
A、--外表表現-『棕樹』 正直、得勝的生命:
那麼下面我想我們就回到聖經,裡面講是有十二股水泉,還有七十顆棕樹,我們知道什麼地方有水泉,你在沙漠裡面就能夠得著供應、得著滋潤,我想這個是很清楚。所以基督徒,許多時候 神把我們帶到以琳,我們看見很多的書房叫做以琳,很多刊物也叫以琳,因為這就代表在曠野的四十二站裡面其中的一站。
B、--得到的秘訣 – 十二股水泉 (根連於水源 - 神)
那一樣問題就是,那裡有沒有十二股水泉?如果有十二股水泉,你知道這七十顆棕樹,它們的根是一直會探到那個水源的,那根是什麼意思呢?根就是看不見的部份。看得見的呢?你看見正直、你看見棕樹;但是你看不見的部份呢?是根所說的。那麼基督徒的秘訣不是叫人看得見的部份,基督徒他的秘訣乃是有一部份是看不見,那一部份只有 神看得見。所以根的部份是人看不見的,如果根很深,而且根能夠探到水源,所以我們暗中有一種生活,那個生活是一直探到水源的,這樣我們這個人才能正直,這樣我們這個人才能夠得勝。
到了這個經歷你就知道這個基督徒,他天天就過得勝的生活,而得勝生活的秘訣,在這種環境艱苦的環境底下能夠得勝,你看看許多人都做一件事情,比方說大家都這麼做就是你不做,這是個很艱苦的環境,那麼你不做你就定罪給他們,你不做就是等於告訴別人說他們不對你對,那基督徒在這種環境底下怎麼辦呢?許多時候我們也做了,原因就是因為我們沒有活在 神面前。如果我們真的水深到一個地步,在很艱苦的環境底下,我們能夠讓水泉、讓這個根探到水泉,那麼結果在人面前所顯出來的,就是七十顆棕樹。所以這裡記得十二股水泉是源頭,那七十顆棕樹是結果,所以聖經說他們就在那裡的水邊安營。
There are more.....to read the complete article, please go to http://www.goodtv.com.tw/program_all_text.php?flag=series&filename=UA060
2009年3月6日 星期五
Location: Home of Christ Church 10340 Bubb Road, Cupertino, CA 95014
Phone: 408-996-8208
2009年3月5日 星期四
What to do when it's wet outside
This two days, I started to pull out the weeds in our backyard. The weeds have been growing so tall during the winter, and I have to 宣示主權 that "This is my house!" It's great to pull out the weeds when the soil was wet, and I was able to do it 5 or 6 times faster than when I was dealing with the hard, dry soil.
Also, since my car was already wet anyways, I gave it an easy car wash, and it saved me some water and energy.
Since we can't change the situation that we face, why don't we make the best use of it?
2009年3月4日 星期三
Taiwan Trip#6: Airplane and Airport
This time, we took EVA 777 to and from Taiwan. Personally, I didn't like the meals as much as before; however, the thing that I liked and Ha liked was individual interacting monitors. Each person has his own monitor and remote control (We were in Economy Class), and we could choose to watch more than 20 or 30 movies, about 10 TV shows, around 10 different games (Chinese chess, 麻將,大老二,五子棋。。。)children's programs and many other things that I hadn't had time to watch. For those TV programs or movies, we could pause, or rewind or fast forward at any time, and we could watch it as many times as we wanted, so it didn't feel long for the 12-hour flying. Ha liked to listen to the music channel while watching the airplane navigator, and Hee liked to play games. Anyways, we all had fun on the airplane. However, sleeping was necessary, too, and we all slept for some time on the plane. (Ha and Hee had slept for around 6-7 hours, not bad!) They both behaved very well on the plane, so I enjoyed my trip very much.
I liked Taiwan's 桃園airport. I walked around while Ha and Hee were watching cartoons in the Hello Kitty 候機室。 The airport was clean and 很有臺灣味。I loved it!
2009年3月3日 星期二
Ha's Science Fair


2009年3月1日 星期日
Taiwan Trip#5:老家
On Wed. morning, I went to meet my friend in 忠孝新生捷運站, and the rest of the family would have a lunch with uncle in 新店, so I told them that I wouldn't have the lunch with them. 忠孝新生捷運站 is only 2 stops away from my neighborhood, 中山國中捷運站, so after my friend left for work, I took the 捷運 and bus to my old house. Here it is:
I spent most of my childhood in this neighborhood except for 1 or 2 years in 仁愛路。 The park was different from what I remembered, but the rest were still very similar to the old time. I also went to my 小學,and I saw many parents waiting outside for picking up their children. When we were young, we used to go home by ourselves. Is the 治安getting worse?
I was so glad to see our old house again. it's like my root, and I felt so comfortable to walk around there.