2009年6月25日 星期四

Hee's Preschool Graduation

Today is Hee's preschool graduation, and we were not even sure if he would attend today. Well, not because of flu, but because he didn't want to be on stage and perform; and frankly, he wasn't happy at going to any form of school: Sunday school, AWANA, preschool......(but he was doing very well in those classes, and all the teachers liked him.) The only exception is VBS because I was the teacher.

Last night, I had a long talk with him, and I had shown him the photos of Ha's preschool graduation, played the video clips of Ha's preschool graduation and promised that if he would go to the graduation today, he would get a small gift. I gave an identical gift to Ha last night because he went to his preschool graduation, but I didn't give him the gift. Hee cried and cried, and as long as he thought about the graduation, he cried. I threw him a happy thought: If he graduates, he doesn't need to go to school until August; and it cheered him up a little bit.

As a mom, I could do only that much, so I put it in my prayer and let God do the rest of the work.

This morning, he didn't cry when he woke up, which was a good sign. I stayed at school with him and took few pictures of him, and he seemed to be fine. They practiced in their room, and he was fine, but as soon as the teacher tried to get them ready and walked to the sanctuary, he started crying. I let the teacher handle him and went to the sanctuary with Stephen who took a half day off for Hee's graduation. I couldn't how Hee would look like when he walked in.

Take a look by yourselves: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rihPF7rlGk he was still upset but could stay calmed, and after that, everything went smoothly. According to his teacher, he was fine when practicing in the classroom but cried every time when they practice in the sanctuary. Sometime, he cried during singing; sometimes, during counting; and sometimes, during playing the bells. Therefore, this was the first time for him to perform perfectly in this school year without crying. Praise the Lord for giving Hee the peace the strength.

There are more video clips, enjoy!
Pledge: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b_YjcSPSoM
Hee's class 進場 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shLqxXAy02E
Fruit of Spirit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwLTczYUEW4
Bell-1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goIC5oAxJjQ
Bell-2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuECD2sRVFU
Singing-1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTkdQvsiAmQ
Singing-2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcJX_WKH0nI
畢業生再度進場 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2wG4GMzBJE

I couldn't believe that I lost the video clip of their counting in different languages!!!!!!

For photos, see slide show on the left of the blog entries.

Even my little boy is going to kindergarten now!

4 則留言:

May 提到...

這是Hee Hee 人生中的第一張畢業証書

Happy Family 提到...


Jenniflower 提到...

Congratulations, Hee!!!!

Happy Family 提到...

Thank you, Auntie JF.