2009年6月17日 星期三

Hee's keyboard Recital-6/9

Hee had a classroom recital on 6/9. They have one every quarter.(Actually, Ha had a recital on 6/8, but he didn't tell me that there's a recital, so I didn't bring my camera.) So far, he's still interested in playing the keyboard, but he doesn't LOVE it. He only plays when I ask him to, and he doesn't want to practice when the song is hard. Ha was not very interested in playing, but he will practice after I asked him many times, and he only played few times a day.

In my point of view, Hee was better in terms of learning the piano, but Ha was more gifted in music. I don't expect that Ha will be a good piano player one day because he won't; however, I do expect Ha to serve the Lord in the music field. He's great at listening and singing, and he's interested in listening to the music, so learning the piano is just a way to let him know the notes and give him an opportunity to keep in touch with music.

Hee's finger and eye coordination is good, so, if he likes, he can continue to learn the piano as long as he wants.

Here is his recital clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxAE-jGN-kg

9 則留言:

Claudia 提到...

hee hee 跟haha真可愛
yi 聲音好點了嗎

Happy Family 提到...

Thank you, Claudia!我的聲音大概回來50%了。

Pko2003 提到...

Hee hee真棒。小卡的手眼協調很不好啊,不過音感跟Ha 像,等明年開始學琴,很擔心會不會乖乖練琴。

Jenniflower 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

Pei: Ha 不太愛看譜,他都是靠耳朵聽到的聲音自己在琴上摸,所以進步比較慢。Hee看譜較快,進步較快。不過小孩子學點音樂,沒什麼壞處,小卡應該會喜歡的。

Happy Family 提到...


May 提到...


Pko2003 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

Mom, 這是他第3次還是第4次了。他一定要選那一首不熟的彈,不知道為什麼。

Pei: 走在路上,連我不認識的人都會主動跑來跟我說,她在教會看過我們,Hee和爸爸實在太像了。