2009年1月2日 星期五

Snow Trip

Back in 2008, we went to a snow trip with JF's family and my parents on 12/27. Since their houses are closer to Rano and Tahoe and sno-park, we brought our equipments and coats in the car, but we didn't know whether we would really go because Hee was having a cold during the Christmas time. On 12/26, he seemed to be a little bit better than the past few days, so we decided that if he's better on 12/27, then we would go to the snow park. On 12/26, when we were on way home from Nut Tree Park and Fresh Choice, Ha and Hee were so tired and sleeping in the car, so we put them on the bed when we arrived my parents' house. It was only 7:50pm. With a good night sleep, they were good in the morning, so we confirmed that we were going. We called JF's family, and they would go with us. Surprisingly, my parents decided to go, too.

There's no traffic on our way to snow park, and Hee was so excited to see the snow again ( Ha was in my parents' car). I thought that finally, we came to the sno-park again, and this meant that I should be able to throw away the snow in our freezer which we brought back home last year. The Yuba Pass Sno-Park was so full that we couldn't even get out from the highway exit, so we drove another 5 miles to the place that we went last year: Cisco Grove. It was actually a Gas Station, but this year, it was packed with people, too. We parked on the curbside of the road where many people parked and ate lunch in the car and went to play with the snow.

Before playing, should we go to the bathroom first? Good idea! Ha, Hee and Stephen went in and out in few minutes, but I waited in line for about 15 minutes. Unfair! At this time, it's good to be a man.

We slid down the small hill for a few times, and Ha, Stephen and my Dad wanted to go to a higher hill when Hee wanted to make a snowman. The snow was not very soft, and it's not easy to make the snowman, so I made a mini one for him, and he was happy about it. We went to find the rest of the people on the higher hill, but we couldn't see anyone of them. We standed there for few minutes, but we still couldn't see them, and I decided not to waste all of our time at looking for them, so we slid down the hill ourselves. When we climbed back to the hill, we looked for them, and if we didn't see them, we slid down again. Hee and I had a great time playing on that high hill. After few rounds of playing, I saw a tow truck at where we parked our car where was about 5 minutes ( if I walked by myself) or 10 minutes (if Hee was with me) away from where we played. I told Hee that we should go & check on our car, so we went. As soon as we got down from the hill, the first car we saw was Stephen's car. He was so happy to see us (他說好像在戰亂中看到失散的親人)because he came to look for us, but he couldn't find a place to park. He had been driving circles for few times.

The whole story was like this: My mom sat in the car while we were playing in the snow area, and a policeman came and told her that where we parked was highway exit ( It didn't look like a highway exit to me. There's no sign of it. Maybe the snow covered it.), and the tow truck was coming to tow the cars away. My mom called our cell phone, but nobody answered, so she was nervous in the car. There were 2 trucks, and the cars in front of us and in the back were towed one by one. JF's family played enough and decided to go to Rosevile Mall ( we couldn't find them when we went, so we were in the different places playing), so they went back to the car. They found out what happened, so JF came back to look for us. She looked and looked and looked, and finally, she saw us. However, we were still on the little hill at that time, and without the snowboard, she couldn't get down to reach us. This was when Stephen, Ha and my dad decided to go up to higher hill...and they saw JF, but they needed to move the car immediately, so they were unable to notify Hee and me, and that's why we 失散。

I believed that God was watching over us , so even though we couldn't contact each other, we met each other at the right timing, and we didn't need to go to the towing parking lot to get our cars back in such a cold weather (but unfortunately, some people needed to do that. I couldn't imagine how they were going to get a ride in this kind of 鳥不生蛋的地方。)

Anyways, I guessed that we will never go to the Sno-Park or snow area during the holiday because there were too many people. Last year, we just went there on one regular weekend, and it's not so crowded. Well, we don't need to worry about this thing for another 12 months.

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Great memory!