2009年1月6日 星期二


1. All seeds, nuts, fruit that have seeds ( strawberries, kiwi, ect...)
2. Popcorn
3. Rice
4. Hot foods
5. Straws

Ensure? good answer! and that's what I had in mind at first; however, when I thought of drinking the same thing for every meal, I felt bored. Then what?

I thought and thought and thought for few days, and finally, I got a good idea: Baby Food~~Homemade babyfood!

When Ha was young, he didn't like those bottled babyfood, so I gave him half store babyfood and half homemade babyfood. When Hee was young, I felt that making babyfood at home was even easier than bringing 2 young children to the store to get the babyfood, so he ate almost 100% homemade babyfood after he's about 10 mouths old and was ok to eat more varieties of food.

Let me introduce my food for today:
1. 當歸紅棗香菇雞湯,五轂米,鹵肉,鹵蛋,紅蘿蔔。。。:用電鍋蒸成稀飯,再用果汁機打成汁
2. 五轂米,紅棗,桂圓,蓮子,水:用電鍋蒸成稀飯,再用果汁機打成汁
3. Sorbet

Very yummy, better than Ensure! Ha tasted a little, and he loved it, too.

7 則留言:

匿名 提到...

whenever我老公有dental surgery時,我也是煮什錦粥,再打一打給他喝!比平常吃的solid food更易消化呢!hope you get better soon!

Happy Family 提到...


匿名 提到...

喝insure 是包括所有的營養,奶奶喝了好多年了,祝早日完全復原.

Happy Family 提到...


Sophia 提到...

那你覺得我老公二月六日拔四顆智齒, 九日回加州, 十一日去台灣可行嗎???

Happy Family 提到...


匿名 提到...

Looks very nutritious!