2008年11月23日 星期日

Thanksgiving Sharing Night

Last night, we went to the Thanksgiving Sharing Night in the church. We've never attended this before in the past few years because every year, we gathered with our families. This year, the family gathering is going to be during the holiday, so we can go to the church meeting.

It was a wonderful meeting, and we heard the different testamonies from many brothers and sisters. 有的是神的意外賞賜,有的是病得醫治,有的是家被燒毀仍然感恩,有的在病中還有喜樂,有的心臟停止卻蒙神保守,有的為生活中的大小事,為活到90歲還能開車感謝神,也有的是為神奇妙的timing或親人得救而做見證。

Hearing of all of these testamonies, I was really touched and joyful and thankful because God never stops Him hands. He did many different things to our beloved brothers and sisters to show us that He IS ALIVE. Even though we don't have that kind of dramatic stories to tell, but I know that God works in our lives, too. He's always with me, and that's one thing that I should give the biggest thanks.

One song was in my heart after last night's meeting: <我的救贖者活著>









4 則留言:

匿名 提到...

I just listened to this CD when I was cooking today. Thanks for your sharing. This Thanksgiving, The thing I feel most thankful is surely our parents' baptism. I have shared their story with many people from our church. Yes, our Saviour is alive.

匿名 提到...

I love the song very much!

Happy Family 提到...

SF, totally agreed with you.
JF: I thank God for giving us these beautiful songs to encourage us.

匿名 提到...
