2008年11月21日 星期五

新網誌-----Happy Family and Friends' Kitchen

每天做菜,有時會run out of ideas, 所以我決定把每天做的東西post上網,可以recycle 這些ideas once every few months. Since 每一個Blogspot 的網誌可以有100個不同的作者,所以所有有興趣和我們分享菜色的人可以讓我知道,我可以寄email邀請你成為作者之一,你可以自由的在這個網誌post 文章,讓各家的菜能彼此流通。

The address is http://happyfamilyandfriendskitchen.blogspot.com/

7 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...



Happy Family 提到...


匿名 提到...

I want to join too.

匿名 提到...

Me! But I've been busy recently with Le.

Happy Family 提到...

I have sent an invitation to you. Check your email, accept the invitation, and we can share our cooking ideas with each other in this blog. No pressure, just post whenever we have time.

匿名 提到...

You can add me too, but I'm quite busy and may not have time to post it often. 我常常連自己的網誌都沒時間寫。

Happy Family 提到...

Nadia: 加上妳,我們就有福了. No pressure,有空再寫。