2008年11月5日 星期三

Our God Reigns 神掌權

I learned a new song two weeks ago because we are going to sing this song on our 3rd Sunday service this week, and this song gave me a lot of encouragement during the past few weeks of the "battle of Prop.8".

It's "沙漠中的讚美" from 讚美之泉

1.神關起 一扇門 祂必開一條新路 不疑惑 不軟弱 我心仍要讚美
2.賞賜的 在於你 收取的你必代替 神旨意 不能攔阻 我心仍要讚美
(pre-Chorus) 凡事信靠主 不失去盼望 因為我的主仍然在掌權
(Chorus) 祂必在沙漠開江河 在曠野開道路 雖四面受敵 卻不被困住 我要在沙漠中讚美 在曠野中宣告 我的主永遠掌權

Last few weeks, I really felt "四面受敵" in terms of Prop.8. I heard many negative advertisement on the radio; our yard signs were pulled out and damaged every single day; the poll showed that "no on 8" was leading; many popular people and company donated to “no on 8".....; however, whenever I felt discouraged, this song would come to me. Yes,"雖四面受敵 卻不被困住" because "我的主永遠掌權"!

Last night, I was taking a shower with this song in my heart, and Stephen came in and said that "there's a good news: 55% for yes on 8, and 45% for no on 8"! Yeah! God did it!

We watched the news until 11:30pm,and this morning, we watched again at 7am to ensure that Yes on 8 is still the majority. It's not an easy battle because our enemies (well, we should not call them enemies. they just have different opinions ) were hiding in the dark and waiting to attack us every single minute, yes, I mean it, every single minute. Yesterday (election day)morning, Stephen went out to put 3 more yard signs on the street before he went to work, and when I went out before 10am, they were gone. Gosh, did they have anything better to do besides puling out the signs? Well, it doesn't matter now."神旨意 不能攔阻"!

This election, most people under age 30 vote no on 8 which is not a good sign. We should be more careful and make more effort to teach our kids the "truth" from the Bible, so they can clearly tell right from wrong, and they won't be one of the people who voted no on 8 in the future.

5 則留言:

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其實看到同意及反對同性婚姻的比數如此接近非常令我難過. 我覺得許多人故意選擇背逆神的道路, 美國的前景, 尤其是道德觀, 非常令人憂心. 我絕對不相信同性戀是基因造成的, 因聖經明明說這是罪. 讓我想到婚前性行為在幾十年前也是不為人所接受的, 而如今大概除了基督徒沒人會覺得這是不妥的, 更別說是罪了. 幸好八號提案沒過, 不然, 幾十年後, 同性婚姻大概就像婚前性行為一樣, 會被大眾所認同. 總之, 這次的大選, 尤其是最開放的加州, 是很讓人憂心的. 雖然八號提案過了(幸好!), 但,未成年女子墮胎不需等待期還是反映了大眾道得觀念離聖經越來越遠. 求神幫助我們基督徒在這黑暗的世代靠著他作光明的兒女.

Happy Family 提到...


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Happy Family 提到...

他們可能等不到4年吧,SF 的 city attorney 可能不久又要有動作了。人心敗壞。

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Thank God because He reigns!