2008年11月3日 星期一

Another Unwelcomed New Neighbor

Yes, we got another new neighbor in our backyard, and again, we don't welcome it.

From few weeks ago, we noticed that someone has been digging our lawn, but it didn't look like gopher. We suspected that the squirrels did it, but we doubted that they had such a big power to mess up the lawn like that. Actually, Stephen and I didn't care too much about that, so we didn't have the detailed investigation.

Last night around 11pm, we were ready for bed. I walked to Ha and Hee's room to have a last check, and I found that our sensor light near the compost bin was on. I went to the sliding door in the dining room to check who was there, and I saw " it" standing in the middle of the lawn and doing something. I've never seen "it" in person, not even at zoo. I called Stephen to see it, too, and we decided that it was the one who messed up our lawn. Stephen went out with a wooden stick to chase it away, and it didn't ran fast at all. He chased around, and all the sensor lights were on, so we could see it clearly, but then, it hid under the deck, so Stephen "ran" home. Why ran? Was it dangerous?

Actually, no, but it smelt terribly terrible. It was a skunk!!!!!!

Even though we closed the sliding door, the odor was still occupied our dining room, kitchen and the hallway. It even flew to our bedroom which was far far from the backyard. The odor was so strong that Stephen had to wash all the clothes that he wore and took another bath from head to toe. The odor was not like the bathroom smell but more like the mixture of the restroom and the gas. It didn't smell that bad, but it was definitely very strong.

We couldn't sleep until 12am because we had to open all the windows to let the odor out, and it was not very safe to sleep with all the windows open. Stephen said: "好好的覺不睡,叫我去看那個,弄得有覺也不能睡。” I told him: "這個經驗會讓你永生難忘,一般人想碰也碰不到,有誰知道skunk 是什麼味道?”

4 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...


Happy Family 提到...


匿名 提到...

Sometimes we have skunk visiting us. We knew that by the smell!

Happy Family 提到...

Skunk 實在惹不起啊!