2008年11月13日 星期四


Actually, I think that I need to make a little correction about saying that Ha likes American food. Now, I remember that he likes many Chinese food, too......but he especially likes those unhealthy ones: 湯圓,麻薯,粽子,油飯, 糯米雞,雞皮,蔥油餅。。。。。

Hee also likes 2 American Food: Mac & Cheese and Spinach & Mozzarella Ravioli. I am really surprised that he likes it more than our Chinese 水餃。 He also likes white sauce for pasta (he doesn't like red sauce because he doesn't like tomato. Ha loves tomatoes.), and he likes Ranch Dressing for baby carrots or salad. The other surprise to me is that Ha doesn't like raw vegetables. He likes things to be cooked and soft....I thought that people like American food should like salad, but he doesn't. He doesn't order school hot lunch very often because they always have "garden salad".

7 則留言:

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看來哈哈喜歡糯米類的東西, 和小阿姨一樣. 他喜歡的幾樣東西, 小阿姨, 愛愛, 信信也喜歡.

Happy Family 提到...


Pko2003 提到...



Happy Family 提到...

Pei: Ha和Hee也是只吃好吃的,可是他們對好吃的定義不太相同。

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Happy Family 提到...

隔代遺伝真厲害,我自己除了甜湯以外不太喜歡中國的甜食(我喜歡冰淇淋,派 或蛋糕),鹹的我比較有興趣。

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