2008年11月14日 星期五

Baby is growing up

Yes, Hee is sucking his thumb sometimes, but he knew that I don't like him to do that, so he tries to take his thumb out of the mouth immediately when I see him. I took this picture yesterday afternoon. I was washing the dishes after lunch, and he was doing his homework, and then, I heard him saying that he finished the homework, and then, I didn't hear from him for a while, and then, when I went & checked on him, he was sleeping on the bed with his 2 favorite blankets and his thumb.

He's still like a baby, isn't he?

In the afternoon, I got a flyer from the school district mentioning that kindergarten registration will be in Feb, 2009. Hee is going to kindergarten soon. I really can't believe it. He is still like a baby to me. I don't have the same feeling toward Ha because he's more mature, and he always likes to do whatever adults do. Also, when he's 2 years old, he's a elder brother to Hee, and we always expect him to be like an elder brother even though he's a baby at that time, too.

At the beginning, Ha was not a good brother, and he never shared the toys with his brother, and he always tried to push or kick his brother. However, as he grows up, he has more patience, and they have better friendship.

What is Hee's facial expression about? Every afternoon, Ha likes to have some alone time in his room playing his legos, but Hee likes to go to Ha's room to watch him. (Few years ago, Ha didn't allow him to get into his room). Ha is fine when Hee just sits there and watches, but usually, Hee likes to touch this and pull that. Ha will ignore him for about 10 minutes, and then, he may call me to take Hee out if he refuses to go out. Then, Ha will close his door. In this photo, Hee was out of Ha's room, and he covered his ears first before Ha closed the door because he's afraid of hearing the big "Bang!" That was so cute!

5 則留言:

匿名 提到...

That was really too cute.=) I cannot believe Aiai is going to be kindergarten soon next year too. On her side, she cannot wait to grow up. She hopes she will turn 5,6,7.... sooner so she can play like those big kids.....

Happy Family 提到...

What did big kids play?

匿名 提到...

Cheryl had no homework when she was in preschool. Hee has homework in preschool.

Happy Family 提到...

Hee's homework is even more than Ha's.

匿名 提到...

I don't know what the big kids play... ??? Aiai just told me that she wants to grow up so she can play like big kids.????
Aiai's preschool gives no homework either.