2008年11月10日 星期一

Another Birthday Party

Ran, Philil, Me, and Dad's birthdays were few days apart, so we had a combined birthday party on Saturday at my parents' house. This was my 3rd birthday party of the year: The first one was a surprised party at my house; the second one was my real birthday (actually, there's no party on that day. We were still doing our daily work as usual except that Stephen sang happy birthday song every ten to twenty minutes); and this was the 3rd one.

Kids and we had a great time in Elk Grove. We went to the playground, had a good meal (thanks to my mom) and had a great party (thanks to Roro). Haha also got a chance to learn the solar board application from his grandpa. Hee was able to bring the cubbie bear home from AWANA this week, so he brought Cubbie Bear to the party, too. Even though we only stayed one day there, we enjoyed it very much.

I'll upload the photos on the sidebar later.

8 則留言:

匿名 提到...

我也覺得大姊畫的Cubby Bear 比較像耶.

Happy Family 提到...

Of course, 差太多了!

匿名 提到...


匿名 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

Mom: thanks.
JF: 我會轉告他的。

Happy Family 提到...


匿名 提到...

二姊一家除了樂樂都好苗條, 是真的!

匿名 提到...

To Yi and Stephen: 畫的是我?那實在畫得太不像了。繪畫技術有待多加強。

To Sophia: 我約105, 老公約125.