2009年6月22日 星期一

Sick Ha, Sick Hee

Friday night, Hee started having the fever, but on Sat. morning, he was fine again. Saturday night, he started having the fever, but on Sunday morning, he was fine again. Sunday night, he started having the fever, but on Monday morning, he was fine again. The fevers were all up to 102,103, so we brought him to the doctor today. The doctor said that it was caused by 氣管炎and 鼻竇炎。 He gave Hee the prescription; and hopefully, he will be fine soon.

Sunday afternoon, we came home from Sacramento, and then I went to the church. Stephen and kids were supposed to be there on 5pm, but until 5:15pm, I didn't see them, and I knew that something was wrong because last night was our shift to clean up the kitchen and cook the rice for dinner, and Stephen should have shown up early.

It's good that our house is very close to the church, so it only took me 3 minutes to go home. They were trying to go to the church to cook the rice, and Stephen planned to take them home after cooking the rice. Stephen was holding Ha's hands, but Ha could hardly walk, and Hee was sitting on the sofa. Since I came back, Stephen went to the church alone, and I took care of them. Both of them looked tired, and Ha was even worse than Hee. Hee ate some noodles, but Ha didn't eat anything. Both of them threw up the strawberries that they ate at noon time. At night, Ha was 102.9, and Hee was 103.2 degrees.

On Monday morning, Hee was fine again, and Ha looked better. He ate some cereal and cereal bars, but then, he threw them up. I made an appointment with the family doctor at 11:40, and they got in one by one. Ha was still weak and had the high fever, so the doctor suggested us to send him to emergency room. Stephen was working from home because of these 2 ill kids, so he brought Ha to the hospital while Hee and I stayed home because Hee wanted to eat lunch, and it's not good for him to go to the hospital anyways. Since our family doctor gave Ha some medication to reduce the fever, he "only" had 100 degree in the emergency room, so it's not really a top-priority emergency, so as far as I know, they are still waiting to be seen by the doctor.

7 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

Thanks. I'll let you know if we need any help.

Ha is still in the hospital, but the doctors haven't done anything with him yet. Stephen felt that Ha is getting better.
Hee is taking the nap right now; hopefully, he won't have the fever tonight.

May 提到...

Dear Yi;自從中午知道Ha Ha 發高燒,我和爸爸就心神不定,真想直奔妳家,但又怕增加
我只有禱告,求主趕快醫治Ha Ha,Hee Hee

nadia 提到...

Hope Ha and Hee get better soon. They are in our prayers. 大人也要小心,不要累壞了!

Mr. D 提到...

You guys are in our prayers. Hope they get well soon.

Jenniflower 提到...

Are they better now?

Mom told me that Ha is hospitalized. Is he out of the hospital yet?

Happy Family 提到...

Thanks every one for your care and prayer. Hee had fever last night, but is ok in the morning. Ha was not hospitalized. He just went to the emergency room because our family doctor felt that his fever was too high. They didn't do much to him. They thought that he had stomache flu.