2009年4月17日 星期五


To me, going grocery shopping by myself is an enjoyable thing because I'm able to "imagine" how good those dishes will be after I cook them. Therefore, I usually go shopping on Tuesday or Thursday morning when both of them go to school. Going with Hee is not too bad because he would sit in the shopping cart, so it's not a big problem for me. However, going shopping with both Ha and Hee was a nightmare. Ha didn't sit in the shopping cart anymore, so Hee wouldn't sit in the cart, either. They liked to touch whatever came to their eyes and made comments to whatever I touched. With both of them around, it's hard to get out of the supermarket in 2 hours.


Mom: 你們兩個一人選一個喜歡的點心。 1到2塊錢,不能太貴。

Facing so many different, delicious snack choices, it's hard to pick only one, so it took them very long to make their decision, and I bought many time for myself to shop freely. However, before I finished shopping, they came back.....with candies! I couldn't believe their bad choices, but they said that it's their喜歡的點心。Oh well, I meant cookies or other snack for their snack time. (They have a snack time every afternoon.) So, I sent them over again and told them that they needed to choose one box of cookie for both of them to enjoy. They needed to agree on the choice. Both of them had to like it.



When they came back, I almost finished my shopping.不能再要他們買東西了,只好忍受他們的non-stopped talking, 趕快買一買回家了。

5 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...



匿名 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

Pei: 他們兩個很愛去,只是我很不愛讓他們跟, 麻煩死了。
JF: Hee一個人我就不會讓他單獨選東西。Ha is old enough to 應變,所以我放心他們一起。I also let them know where they can find me.

Sophia 提到...

我喜歡買菜, 但一定都有信信陪同, 我們趁愛愛上學時去買菜.

Happy Family 提到...

Hee 還沒上preschool前,我們也是這個模式。