2009年4月16日 星期四

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Ha and Hee's spring break has half-gone, and the first 3 days, most of the time, 3 of us stayed at home and cleaned up their rooms. Today, busy Daddy took a day off, so we could go to visit Monterey Bay Aquarium. It's about one and half hour driving distance from our house, but kids have never been there before.

Ha woke up early these days. Sometimes, 7:30; sometimes,8am. He never woke up so early on school days. I thought that I would be able to sleep a little longer during their spring break, but no luck for me! Hee still enjoyed sleeping, so we had to wake him up in order to get going before it's late to the aquarium.

The admission tickets are $29.95 for adult and $17.95 for kids. The membership is $120 for two adults and their children. As long as we go there more than once, it worths, so we get the membership online before we go.

We got there around 11 am, and after a little walking around, it was about time for kelp forest feeding. It was very excited to see a diver in the water feeding the fish, and it was fun to see so many different fishes swimming around. For video clip, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cY5hWaFCA0

After that, we went to Splash zone and touch pool and also went to watch penguin and sea otter. However, we felt hungry and needed to get something to eat. We wanted to eat in that area and come back to the aquarium after lunch, but Ha wanted to eat at McDonald's which is further away, so we decided to go to McDonald's and go to the Aquarium some other day for the rest of the exhibits. It's a good motivation for us to go back next time in order to make good use of our membership.
有一種魚叫 anchovies, and they will yawn a big yawn during the meal time. 他們嘴巴不大,但哈欠超大,看起來下巴都要掉了。(下巴掉了?哦,是說誰啊?J小姐,不是說妳啦,是說我照片中的下巴都快要掉了。)

8 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...

Monterey Bay Aquarium is a fun place for Children. 那是小卡最愛的地方,她恨不得天天都去。

Happy Family 提到...


Pko2003 提到...



Sophia 提到...

Our family loves aquarium too. Fish are fun creatures.

Happy Family 提到...

Stephen 的公司也有在便宜票的list上,可是問他們公司,又說沒有,只好自己辦membership.


Pko2003 提到...


匿名 提到...


I like aquarium.

Happy Family 提到...
