2009年4月13日 星期一

Spring Break

It is Kids' spring break this week, and my goal is to help them cleaning up their messy rooms.

5 則留言:

Sophia 提到...

That is a big project!!!

Happy Family 提到...

Huge one! Unfortunately, base on my past experiences, the neatness will only last few weeks.

Jenniflower 提到...

Last a few weeks is not bad. Cheryl's neatness only last for a few days.

Happy Family 提到...

Well, the clean up project will last a few days, and I put his things in different boxes, so it will take some time for him to take the things out of the boxes and put back on the floor. Usually, the taking out process will last few weeks.

Sophia 提到...

原來天底下的小孩子都是一樣的! 亂!!!