2009年4月28日 星期二

Hee's singing

I'm busy at finishing the quarter-end reports, so I don't have time to write too much today. I'll just play Hee's singing video clip to entertain everyone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA9_FXteROg

7 則留言:

Sophia 提到...

Heehee is singing wonderfully well. I am stealing the first two songs and will teach Ai. By the way, the song My God is So Great, the verse you forgot is,
"The Stars are His handiworks too...."
Thanks for sharing.

Sophia 提到...

Who is Mrs. Lee? She surely has taught Heehee well....

Happy Family 提到...

She's his preschool teacher.

May 提到...

Hee Hee 好棒,會唱很多歌,有遺伝到他的

Happy Family 提到...


Jenniflower 提到...

Very good job. Very cute. Is he in a Christian preschool?

Happy Family 提到...

Yes, he is.