2009年1月28日 星期三


I got this from an email, some of them are really true and helpful.


9.沒有基督,沒有平安;認識基督,得到平安。(No Christ, no peace; know Chrsit, know peace)
21.放手交給上帝,別再向神講述你的 風暴有多大,當向風暴講述你的神有大。
29.禱告會為我們作很多事,憂慮同樣可以。(what does this mean?)

2009年1月26日 星期一

The Power of Prayers

Yesterday, a pastor from Taiwan (but originally, he's from Korea) came to our church to preach, and he said that when he prayed, the Holy Spirit told him that there are only few people praying for our church. We have over 700 people in the Chinese congregation, and it's very dangerous to expand when there are only few people praying for it. Without good prayers, the more people we get, the more shaking it will be.

I think that he is right. Even with a regular prayer life, I seldom pray for my church, my fellowship and my small group in the fellowship. Different from many people, my prayer time is in the early early morning...even before 5am! Every night, I wake up naturally (not by alarm clock) to call Hee to the bathroom and check on Ha (他每天踢被), and when I go back to my bed, I start to pray. (Laying on the bed may not be a good position to pray, but this is the way that I felt the most comfortable and most doable) Mostly, I pray for my family, friends, and my 事奉, and from time to time, I pray for few singly brothers and sisters and hope that God can give them a partner for life. I even pray for our country, but I almost never mention about our church, our pastor, or our fellowship. In my mind, "somebody" will do that, but now, I realize that many people maybe just like me. They pray, but they don't pray for the church because they thought that "somebody" will do that.

Lacking of prayers may be the reason why comparing with my previous church, fellowship and small group when I was in college, this church may have more resources, but is not as hot spiritually. The fellowship program runs smoothly week after week, but the whole fellowship doesn't seem to be very close, and even the coworkers hardly know each other. We have Bible study very often, but most of the time, we hear a lot of inputs, but not many insights. I'm not blaming anyone because I am one of the people in it, too, and I never pray for it. If the words that we say in the Bible study are not from God, are not back up by our prayers, we just waste each other's time because 知識只能叫人自高自大,並不能造就人。We may know a lot about the Bible, but we may not help each other unless God helps us to do so.

Even though I didn't pray for the church or fellowship, I made sure that I prayed for my 事奉, and I found that with prayers, 事奉is very easy. I am going to lead the singspiration this coming Friday, and I haven't thought of the songs . I prayed this morning (at 4am), and before I knew it, two songs pumped out from my head, and they just matched the theme that I wanted to bring out. With the prayer, I didn't even need to flip through the song book, and it saved me a lot of time. The other example was that I was AWANA speaker two weeks ago because the original speaker was not able to make it for some reason, and I only had two days to prepare for it, so I prayed. When I got the material from Angela, I really thanked God because it was exactly the same message that I prepared in early January for kids' program. I only needed to spend little time to make the story telling into a presentation.

I am also participating in 3rd Sunday service worship team, and I can feel the stronger Spiritual connection with brothers and sisters in that small group even though we are from different fellowship, and we only meet once a week to practice the songs. We only have about 10 people, but many of them are strong spiritually. Yesterday, when we shared and prayed together, Cindy mentioned about the importance of being close of God, and I really appreciated that we have such a good sister in the group (and she is in my prayer for singles. She's a really nice and warm sister.)

Anyways, this is what I thought in my prayers this morning, and god urged me to write the down to remind myself and encourage others.


2009年1月23日 星期五

Happy New Year!

This coming Sunday will be the Chinese New Year's Eve, and I don't think that I will post new entries during the weekend, so "Happy Chinese New Year" in advance!!!!!

I knew that this Sunday, Jie may prepare some special soup for the 3rd Sunday Worship, and I'm looking forward to it. My dad's fellowship will have special potluck dinner to celebrate the Chinese New Year, but our fellowship doesn't have any special program for it. I saw 年糕 in the market, but it was not very fresh, so I didn't buy it. I may try to do it myself or just 省略 it。 I will cook some 湯圓,fish, ...... 應該差不多像過年了吧~

2009年1月22日 星期四


Sunday morning, we had 土司 pizza, and each of us "ordered" different toppings (except for Hee, he wanted to copy his Daddy's.) I also 烤了兩片土司 in case someone is still hungry after the 土司 pizza. 把土司 pizza分給大家之後, 我就先去刷牙,他們三個可以先吃。

我一回來,發現我的土司 pizza上又蓋了一片土司。

Stephen: "妳的pizza不見了!”
Ha and Hee很有正義感: "是爸爸弄的。爸爸在亂搞"



2009年1月21日 星期三

Blueberry and Blackberry

Because Martin Luther King believed that everyone should be nice to each other, the sharing topic of Ha's class this week is to bring something that can be shared with other kids. Since I found out the topic after I picked up Ha from school, and I was too lazy to go shopping with two of them, we decided to bring something that we have at home.

The healthiest choice was to bring the fruit. Ha said that his friend Ben brought apples yesterday, so he wanted to bring something different. I counted our blueberry and blackberry, and both of them are over 21 (20kids+teacher), so Ha brings blueberry and blackberry today.

I told Ha : "blueberry is sweeter, and blackberry is not as sweet as blueberry, so you should eat blackberry first, and then eat blueberry."

Ha said: "But they are so small, and I will eat both of them in one bite."

That's true, and more realistic. Sometimes, adults' thoughts are more complicated, but it doesn't mean that we are always right.

2009年1月20日 星期二

Rick Warren's Prayer

Today is Obama's Inauguration Day, and I recorded the whole ceremony for Ha and Hee to watch after school, so if they are elected as the presidents one day, they know what's going on in inauguration. (哈哈哈.....,我想太多了!)

Anyways. Before they went to school in the morning, I also invited them to watch the inauguration for about 5 minutes. Ha left for school early, and Hee and I saw Rick Warren's prayer. I was so touched and excited to see our Lord's Name being lifted high in such an important occasion. MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA! MAY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE GO BACK TO GOD!

Here is the link to Rick Warren's prayer from MSNBC.


2009年1月19日 星期一

別急著說再見—— 從「忍受」到「享受」婚姻






人是神造的,婚姻是神設立的,應當是美好的,但是,為什麼那麼多的夫妻都在忍受婚姻呢? 神當初設立婚姻時,原是要亞當一輩子都對夏娃唱情歌,說﹕「你是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉。」神要夫妻倆人相親相愛、白頭偕老,但亞當、夏娃不聽神的話,在犯罪的過程中,他們已經失去了丈夫和妻子的角色和本份,而犯罪帶來的咒詛,使男女在婚姻中的角色更加混淆。女人想要控制男人,而男人不讓女人控制,反而用強力來轄制女人。兩個想要控制對方的人生活在一起,難怪婚姻有衝突,家庭有問題。那問題怎麼解決?














蔡佩芬現任「加拿大學園傳道會」 中國網路事工主任,負責編輯出版新麗人網路雜誌,丈夫王大慶牧師在北加州灣區基督之家第一家牧會,育有三位兒女,曾任美國鳳城華人基督教會中文學校校長十年。請上網 wwww.fhl.net瀏覽她的【新麗人_阿佩姐專欄】阅讀家庭‧ 親子‧ 家庭的文章。

2009年1月16日 星期五

順服的真諦 -馮志梅

順服的真諦 馮志梅 from http://www.tccc.org.tw/women/?p=78


  誤解順服的定義  有人以為順服代表「次等」;有人擔心順服會失去自我認知;有人害怕順服將有被奴役、被踩在腳底的感覺;也有人懷疑順服就是盲目的服從……。這些想法都是對順服的曲解,誤以為「女人順服男人」和「子女聽從父母」是相同的意思。事實上,聖經中的「順服」在英文譯為submission,乃是甘心樂意將自己放在另一人的權柄之下,發自內心的順從,這意味著兩人原是平等的。



  信實上帝負全責  那麼,如果丈夫做出錯誤的決定,妻子仍要順服嗎(似乎大多數女性都認為自己比丈夫聰明)?請記得,夫妻是平等的,妻子需要表達自己的看法和意見,但也必須尊重丈夫的最後決定。






2009年1月15日 星期四


It's year end and quarter end. I'm too busy at work to write my blog entries, so before the end of January, I'll post some good articles instead.

「神是我們的避難所,是我們的力量,是我們在患難中隨時的幫助。」 (聖經詩篇 46/1)

常有人問神為什麼不早一點幫助我,我們的回答是這不是神的次序.神要你先在患難中學習功課.神的應許是他在急難中 我要與他同在我要搭救他 使他尊貴(聖經詩篇 91:15)

神必須先和你同在急難中,然後再救你從其中出來,什麼時候才救你出來呢?就是在你不再好動 不再煩躁完全鎮定、安靜的時候.那時候神要說夠了(聖經撒母耳記下 24:16).


要脫離試煉有兩種方法:一種是直接求神救你脫離試煉.當試煉過去的時候,就應當感謝.另一種是承認試煉是從神來的一個挑戰,你應當抓住這個機會向神索取更大的祝福,這樣連撒但也被你利用了,反對你的卻成了你的幫助這就是靠著愛我們的主已經得勝有餘了(聖經羅馬書 8:37).

親愛的朋友,神常常藉著患難給我們寶貴的功課,目的為要教導我們,當神的目的達到了之後,我們就要得著榮耀的報償.所以 患難裡面蘊藏著的其實是甘甜的喜樂和真實的價值.這樣看來 神給我們的不是患難,反而是機會.


2009年1月14日 星期三

Ha's Classmate's B-Day Party

Ha was invited to one of his classmates' birthday party on 1/3/09, and they were in a cooking school. That day, kids were making the pizza themselves starting from making the dough (but of course, the final pizza was made from the dough that the teacher made before hand).

We have made pizza few times at home, so it's not something new for Ha, but cooking with friends was fun. He had a good time there.

2009年1月13日 星期二


Sometimes, Hee likes to go to Ha's room to see what he's doing (because Ha always had some fun inventions going on in his room), and most of the time, Ha would just ignore him and concentrate on his own work. However, if Hee 動手動腳,Ha would ask me to bring Hee out of his room.

Once, Ha asked me to ask Hee out, but Hee didn't want to, and at this very moment, Ha 放了個屁,and Hee ran out of his room immediately.

Yesterday, we were ready to pick up Ha from school. I was still searching for my keys, and Hee was around. I asked him to go to the car and wait for me because usually, it will take him few minutes to wear the shoes and sit in the car. He didn't want to, and I asked him few more times. He said: "妳放一個屁我才會走”~~~Well, it's not so easy to 放屁when you try to do it intentionally, so I said: "我好像快要放屁了”,and he's gone before I was able to finish the sentence.

If you are eating right now, very sorry!

2009年1月11日 星期日

Back to Normal

I started eating "normal" food yesterday, and I believed that my teeth are about 90% recovered. I still tried to avoid nuts, sticky food or big, hard meat, but I can eat most of the food that other people eat. Last night, I thought that I needed to bring my babyfood to PJ's house while other people enjoyed their 大餐; however, when I woke up in the morning, I found that my mouth felt a lot better, so I ate normal food for breakfast and lunch; and of course, I had a delicious 大餐 as dinner. Thank God for healing my teeth in 5 days! It felt so good to be able to eat the normal food again!

I love to play games

Recently, I had a lot of opportunities to play games with relatives and friends: Uno in Elk Grove; A Disney board game in brother's house; Connect-4, match game and Chess at home; and a Growing bean game in P&J (peanut butter & jelly?)'s house last night. I really enjoy playing all kinds of games with people because we talked and laughed during the games. I didn't care if I won or lost, and I just loved to get an opportunity to use my brain and to connect with people. I have no interest in computer game or game boy because they didn't have 人味. One board game that I was not very interested in was Monopoly. I used to like it, but now, I thought that it's kind of boring. It didn't require a lot of the brain power to play it~~just purely luck.

Ha never wants to play the game, and I believe that the main reason for that is that he's afraid of losing the game. He doesn't want to feel defeated. It's not very healthy, and I try to help him to face the challenge and overcome his fear; therefore, nowadays, I liked to team up with him or asked Hee to team up with him, so when he lost, he had a partner, too. He's a very lucky person, and when he joined the team, the team mostly won, so he didn't get many opportunities to face the failure. Hee likes to play, and he's ok to play alone, so every day, he will ask Stephen or I to play with him one or two games. It's good to stimulate his brain and to help his interpersonal skills.

If you have any suggestions of good and interesting board games, please let me know!

2009年1月9日 星期五

# 100

I started posting in this blog on 10/7/08 (after moving from Http://360.yahoo.com/yisunhuang), and this entry is my 100th entry here. 3 months, 100 entries, not bad!!!!!

I like to write the blog because I am not good of remembering things. I am afraid that when Ha and Hee grow up and ask me "what happened when I was 3, 5, 8...25?", and I will be like "mmm...aaaa....oooo..uuuu...I forgot"; also, there are many things happening everyday which we are thankful for, and I don't want these moments just slipping away; therefore, I try my best to record these moments. I imagine that when I am old, Stephen and I sit on a comfortable chair, drink good tea and read the blog entries one by one.....

Anyways, Happy 100th entry!

2009年1月8日 星期四

Tour of Ha's Room

What did I do for the New Year's Eve, New Year's Day and the day after New Year? Answer: Cleaning Ha's Room!

There are so many things in Ha's room because he kept every single thing: empty boxes, strached papers, wires, nails, and on and on and on....Well, besides the trash, he did have some goodies in his room, but since the room was very messy, no one could find the goodies, so I decided to have a huge clean up of his room.

I didn't know that it would take so long, but now, it feels so good to walk into his room. In order to 慰勞 myself, I took some video clips of his room to show my achivement. If you have time, please join the tour of Ha's room:

1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUVj1egVkT4&feature=channel_page
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEjz2Ue2wZA&feature=channel_page
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24h_5VGWfTQ&feature=channel_page
4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yStT905-Jp4&feature=channel_page
5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poEbxNN6daQ&feature=channel_page
6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0nrYAbu1nM&feature=channel_page
7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvqFjJwY8Yc&feature=channel_page
8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Arq6LJ-TZw8&feature=channel_page


Few weeks ago, Ha warned us that some of the 浴室的磁磚有點鬆動,so Stephen decided to fix them during the New Year vacation. Since our house is old, and the tiles may be 10 or 20 years old, it may be hard to find the same pattern of the tiles in store or online. If he broke the tile or made any mistake, we may end up living with an ugly bathroom with different patterns of tiles, or we may need to replace all the tiles in the bathroom( Oh, it sounded scary even just thinking of it!)

Luckily, after 一陣敲敲打打,the tiles were fixed, and they were as good as new, and Stephen was added a new title: 泥水匠!

2009年1月7日 星期三

My Teeth want to work!!!!

Even though my "babyfood" was yummy (Ha had that for yesterday's snack, part of his dinner, and he brought it to the school for lunch), but I really had a desire to use my teeth to chew; especially when I was cooking their dinner, I truly wished that I could have it, too.

I started thinking again...what could I eat? And I got a great idea again: 旺仔小饅頭! Baby can eat it, so I should be able to eat it, too. Thanks to Hee that he wanted to buy it last week, so we have a big can of 旺仔小饅頭 at home. I tried few, and I was the most delicious thing that I had had in these few days. I refilled and refilled my small plate, and I felt the sense of satisfaction.

Dinner time, since I cooked Tofu, I had some of it, too, and I never loved Tofu like the way that I loved it last night.

While Stephen read books to them at night, I baked apple& banana cupcakes for them as the breakfast. When they came out from the oven, I couldn't help but took a small bite; surprisingly, it's very easy to chew and swallow, so I had a whole cupcake for my bedtime snack.

It felt so good to be able to eat some "solid" food!

2009年1月6日 星期二


1. All seeds, nuts, fruit that have seeds ( strawberries, kiwi, ect...)
2. Popcorn
3. Rice
4. Hot foods
5. Straws

Ensure? good answer! and that's what I had in mind at first; however, when I thought of drinking the same thing for every meal, I felt bored. Then what?

I thought and thought and thought for few days, and finally, I got a good idea: Baby Food~~Homemade babyfood!

When Ha was young, he didn't like those bottled babyfood, so I gave him half store babyfood and half homemade babyfood. When Hee was young, I felt that making babyfood at home was even easier than bringing 2 young children to the store to get the babyfood, so he ate almost 100% homemade babyfood after he's about 10 mouths old and was ok to eat more varieties of food.

Let me introduce my food for today:
1. 當歸紅棗香菇雞湯,五轂米,鹵肉,鹵蛋,紅蘿蔔。。。:用電鍋蒸成稀飯,再用果汁機打成汁
2. 五轂米,紅棗,桂圓,蓮子,水:用電鍋蒸成稀飯,再用果汁機打成汁
3. Sorbet

Very yummy, better than Ensure! Ha tasted a little, and he loved it, too.

2009年1月5日 星期一

Wisdom Teeth? All Gone!

This morning, I was scheduled to have my lower wisdom teeth removed. My upper wisdom teeth had been removed 10 years ago. The lower two were still under the gum, but since they started making damages to my other teeth and gum, they had to go.

My appointment time was 8am, so I went there alone, and Stephen and Hee came to pick me up after they dropped Ha off at school.

I was given intravenous anesthesia, and I lost my consciousness within few seconds after the medication was given through my vein. When I woke up, the surgery was done, and Stephen and Hee were there. I was still very sleepy on my way home and at home, so I took a big nap. When I got up from the bed, I was dizzy and uncomfortable, and no matter what I ate or drank, I threw up. I even fainted once in the kitchen; fortunately, Stephen was there for me. Then, I figured out that the reason that I threw up might be because some blood flew into my stomach, so I tried harder to stop the bleeding, and I felt better at night.

Ha gave me a homemade electrical candle as a gift, and Hee drew a picture for me. Best of all, Stephen was working at home to take care of me and the kids. I was so grateful for what he has done. At the beginning, I thought that it's only the removal of two teeth, and how bad could it be, but now, I really appreciate that Stephen was around to take good care of us while being busy at work. I haven't taken the pain killer for my teeth because it's not very painful, and I think that the worse thing is the physical discomfort which I experienced in the afternoon. I'd better go to bed now, and I'm sure that tomorrow, I will get better. Good Night~

2009年1月2日 星期五

Snow Trip

Back in 2008, we went to a snow trip with JF's family and my parents on 12/27. Since their houses are closer to Rano and Tahoe and sno-park, we brought our equipments and coats in the car, but we didn't know whether we would really go because Hee was having a cold during the Christmas time. On 12/26, he seemed to be a little bit better than the past few days, so we decided that if he's better on 12/27, then we would go to the snow park. On 12/26, when we were on way home from Nut Tree Park and Fresh Choice, Ha and Hee were so tired and sleeping in the car, so we put them on the bed when we arrived my parents' house. It was only 7:50pm. With a good night sleep, they were good in the morning, so we confirmed that we were going. We called JF's family, and they would go with us. Surprisingly, my parents decided to go, too.

There's no traffic on our way to snow park, and Hee was so excited to see the snow again ( Ha was in my parents' car). I thought that finally, we came to the sno-park again, and this meant that I should be able to throw away the snow in our freezer which we brought back home last year. The Yuba Pass Sno-Park was so full that we couldn't even get out from the highway exit, so we drove another 5 miles to the place that we went last year: Cisco Grove. It was actually a Gas Station, but this year, it was packed with people, too. We parked on the curbside of the road where many people parked and ate lunch in the car and went to play with the snow.

Before playing, should we go to the bathroom first? Good idea! Ha, Hee and Stephen went in and out in few minutes, but I waited in line for about 15 minutes. Unfair! At this time, it's good to be a man.

We slid down the small hill for a few times, and Ha, Stephen and my Dad wanted to go to a higher hill when Hee wanted to make a snowman. The snow was not very soft, and it's not easy to make the snowman, so I made a mini one for him, and he was happy about it. We went to find the rest of the people on the higher hill, but we couldn't see anyone of them. We standed there for few minutes, but we still couldn't see them, and I decided not to waste all of our time at looking for them, so we slid down the hill ourselves. When we climbed back to the hill, we looked for them, and if we didn't see them, we slid down again. Hee and I had a great time playing on that high hill. After few rounds of playing, I saw a tow truck at where we parked our car where was about 5 minutes ( if I walked by myself) or 10 minutes (if Hee was with me) away from where we played. I told Hee that we should go & check on our car, so we went. As soon as we got down from the hill, the first car we saw was Stephen's car. He was so happy to see us (他說好像在戰亂中看到失散的親人)because he came to look for us, but he couldn't find a place to park. He had been driving circles for few times.

The whole story was like this: My mom sat in the car while we were playing in the snow area, and a policeman came and told her that where we parked was highway exit ( It didn't look like a highway exit to me. There's no sign of it. Maybe the snow covered it.), and the tow truck was coming to tow the cars away. My mom called our cell phone, but nobody answered, so she was nervous in the car. There were 2 trucks, and the cars in front of us and in the back were towed one by one. JF's family played enough and decided to go to Rosevile Mall ( we couldn't find them when we went, so we were in the different places playing), so they went back to the car. They found out what happened, so JF came back to look for us. She looked and looked and looked, and finally, she saw us. However, we were still on the little hill at that time, and without the snowboard, she couldn't get down to reach us. This was when Stephen, Ha and my dad decided to go up to higher hill...and they saw JF, but they needed to move the car immediately, so they were unable to notify Hee and me, and that's why we 失散。

I believed that God was watching over us , so even though we couldn't contact each other, we met each other at the right timing, and we didn't need to go to the towing parking lot to get our cars back in such a cold weather (but unfortunately, some people needed to do that. I couldn't imagine how they were going to get a ride in this kind of 鳥不生蛋的地方。)

Anyways, I guessed that we will never go to the Sno-Park or snow area during the holiday because there were too many people. Last year, we just went there on one regular weekend, and it's not so crowded. Well, we don't need to worry about this thing for another 12 months.