2010年5月10日 星期一

HOC5 Children's Choir

In January, we learned that our church is going to have a children choir, and we thought about having Ha join it because he loves to sing. Ha didn't participate in any other activities since he's not comfortable to be with strangers, so he didn't want to join the choir at first. However, he really loves to sing and didn't want to miss this opportunity; and most of all, his 2 good friends would be in the audition. Therefore, he agreed to go to the audition and give it a try.

Audition's cut off age was 8, and he was just 4 days away from 8 at audition day, and thanks to the kind aunites, he was able to join the choir.

The practice time is on Sat. night, from 6:45 to 7:40. He was so happy after the first practice, so happy after the second practice, so happy after the 3rd practice, and so happy after every single practice. He listened to the music and watched the Youtube link sent from the teacher very often, and he sang the songs when he was alone in his room. (According to him, the songs are the surprise gift for moms, so he couldn't sing nor show the hand motions to me before their official performance.)

5/9, Mother's day, the choir had their official performance on the 1st and 2nd Sunday Service. 3 months ago, he has invited his grandparents to watch the performance, so they were here, too.

The offertory was very nice since all the kids were very concentrated and giving out their best. They were so cute and the singing was so beautiful.

Since there were many other kids in the video, in order to respect their privacy, I only posted the videos in public setting for 3 days, and then I'll change them to private. If you couldn't see it, let me know, and I can email you the special token to view the private videos. 為了保障其他小孩的隱私,只在這裡放3天,3天之後,如果還想看,告訴我,我可以Email你一個特別的link 去看。
GPS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLxVci3ct7A

母親妳真偉大 http://www.youtube.com/user/yisunhuang#p/a/u/0/dvuyeXQeS0o

3 則留言:

May 提到...


Happy Family 提到...


May 提到...

Joshua good job.