2010年5月13日 星期四

Coughing, Coughing, Coughing

The first coughing is for me.
The second coughing is for Stephen.
The third coughing is for Hee.

Thank God, Ha is still well and healthy.

I started coughing in early April, and after coughing for 2 weeks, I passed it to Stephen. After he coughed for one week, he passed it to Hee, and both of them are still coughing, but are getting better.

We tried everything we knew to reduce the discomfort: 龍角散,枇杷膏,honey, honey & lemon, Halls, 杏仁茶,雞湯,黑芝麻茶,中藥,羅漢果紅棗枸杞湯,蓮藕茶,冰糖燉梨. 反正這些東西也都滿好吃的(except for 中藥, which I didn't try. Only Stephen and Hee drank it.), 就算沒效也沒什麼損失。

6 則留言:

May 提到...


Happy Family 提到...


Sophia 提到...

Try Pediacare. You can find it everywhere, Target, Walmart....
We find it VERY helpful for the whole family. I tried it once myself and I didn't cough the whole night. It worked well on kids of course.

Happy Family 提到...

I 'll get it tomorrow.

Sophia 提到...


Happy Family 提到...
