2010年5月18日 星期二

Boating at Vasona Park

Every year, our church has a churchwide picnic at Vasona Park in May, and this year, the weather is the best!

We also invited my parents to the picnic because my mom needed some exercise, and it's nearly impossible for her to do the exercise at home by herself. It's nice to take a walk in the beautiful weather!

Every year, when we come to Vasona Park, kids always like to take the little train ride and Merry-Go-Round, but this year, they decided to go for a padel boat ride. (Yes, my kids are growing up!) It's not very expensive: 4 people for one hour, only $12, and the little train ride will cost $2 or $3 per person for a 5 minute ride.

My dad and Stephen went with the kids, and my mom and I sat on a bench  under a shade to look at them.

They took turns to padel the boat, but whenever they changed seats, my mom got nervous. In this photo, Haha standed up, and it's a big No No for my mom. To me, since they wore life jackets, and they knew little about swimming, and my dad and Stephen were there, and the water was not really deep, I think that it's ok if they really fell into the water. It's better for them to learn the water safety when they are young and in the safe environment than learn it when they are old and in the dangerous environment. Well, they didn't fell this time, and they had a very good time. Ha told me that next time, he wants to try the rowing boat. Mmm...I don't know about that because I never try it myself, either.  I guess that we will try the padel boat for few more times, and after I feel comfortable, we may try the rowing boat. ( My mom said that if we want to try the rowing boat, don't let her know. Of course, I won't tell her, but she will see the photos in my blog anyways.)
