2011年9月15日 星期四


In the previous years, we never did anything specific for 中秋, but we will eat some moon cakes when 中秋 was approaching because parents or friends will bring us the moon cakes. Ha likes the moon cake, so once in  a while, he will ask us: When is 中秋? ( Hee doesn't really care. He likes moon cakes, too, but he never asks about 中秋)

This year, my boss gave us a box of moon cakes one month prior to 中秋. I thought that since we had eaten the moon cakes, we don't have to do anything else on 中秋, and I don't want to buy moon cakes around 中秋 because it may not be fresh anymore. I just kept quiet about 中秋.

However, they learned 中秋 from their Chinese afterschool, and they memorized a poem about it, so Ha wanted to make 中秋 a big event in our family. He went to search for the exact date of 中秋 and urged me to buy some 湯圓 and moon cakes .The night before 中秋(中秋eve), we ate 湯圓 (even though it has nothing to do with 中秋). On 中秋, I bought some individual packed moon cakes--just freshly baked, and we went walking to see the moon. On the way, they read the poem that they learned at afterschool about 中秋.

It was the most 中秋中秋that I have ever had after we came the the U.S.

2 則留言:

Ah Hao 提到...

記得去年中秋,花前月下,你和 Stephen 不是過了一個浪漫的中秋嗎? =)

Happy Family 提到...
