2010年10月5日 星期二

Coyote Point Museum Fieldtrip With Hee's Class-10/5/10

 今天跟嘻班去個比較遠的校外教學,是去在San Mateo的Coyote Point Musuem. 9:15出發,在校車上搖搖晃晃的,還沒到已經睏了,想到等下要管5個小朋友,就更睏了。當老師的人真不簡單,不管前一天晚上幾點睡,心情好不好,一大早都要打起精神,面對20個完全不同的小朋友,說學逗唱,十項武藝全上,撐到3點下課。

Coyote Point Musuem的網站是http://www.coyoteptmuseum.org/

Today, we were there only to see the animals, plants and go for a short hike along the shore; however, we didn't get the opportunity to see the exhibits which looked fun on the web.



The kids had a lot of fun looking at coyote, fox, raccoon, bobcats and snakes, and they also had a lot of fun counting the big airplanes. We saw about 20 airplanes on our hiking trip. Today, I learned the differences between Tortoise and Turtle. Tortoise is found at desert area and with very strong legs; turtle is usually found near the pools or ponds and their legs and feet are softer.

I like to be the chaperone of the fieldtrip because I got to know the kids in Ha's or Hee's class, and I learned a lot from the teachers, museum staffs or park rangers.


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