2010年6月28日 星期一

VBS: 6/14-6/18/10

This year, the VBS was from 6/14 to 6/18, and the theme was "Sonquest Rainforest". I was busy this year; therefore, I didn't get the opportunity to take more photos for Ha and Hee. Thank God that the weather was really nice, and it was around 80 degrees; sunny but not too hot. I had the chance to work with many people that I never met in the church before, but they were all faithful coworkers. I also had the chance to work with some teenagers; some of them were very good, and their parents should be proud of them, but others didn't have good self-control, and they were not very helpful.

Ha and Hee liked their group leaders very much, and Hee even made cards for two of his group leaders on the last day of VBS. When they came home every day, they talked about the Bible stories, snacks, crafts, games, and they sang and danced the songs, and they were always looking forward to the next day. This year, there were 10+ preschoolers and kindergartners accepting Jesus as their Savior, and it's the best reward for all the coworkers.

On the last day of VBS, Ha and Hee told me that they wished that VBS lasts 10 days instead of 5, and I told them that I believed that all the adults hoped that they were 5 days only because there were too much work involved. They just came and had fun, but there were so much preparation behind the scene. Praise the Lord because with Him, all things are possible. When we had the first coworker meeting in May, the numbers of enrollments were very low, and coworkers were worrying about that, but few days later, 1st to 6th grade classes were full. Preschool class was also full on the 3rd day of VBS. Kindergarten class only had less than 10 spots left. God did His own work.God leads the way!
