2010年6月9日 星期三

Our New Neighbor

About two weeks ago, we started hearing strange noises from the roof or attic at night, but we were not sure where it came from or who made it. It was like "whoo,whoo, whoo...", and also, we could hear walking steps.

By checking the roof, we saw this....a lot of "Golds" on our roof. It should be the way that our new tenant paid for the rent. We didn't want anyone to take away our gold, so we buried it under a fruit tree.

Few days later, we were sure that the noise was from our attic instead of the roof, so Stephen decided to visit our new tenant. The attic was so narrow on the top of our bedroom, so Stephen had to crawl like a worm. I poked my head out to the attic, and both of us saw him: a raccoon! He was hiding on the edge of the roof, and it's too narrow for Stephen to get to, so we couldn't do anything about it.
We called the animal removal service , and a trapper came on Saturday afternoon. He found raccoon's footprints on one of the poles in the backyard.
And he found the hole that might be the door for the raccoon to get into our attic. He set up 2 traps in our backyard, but nothing happened.3 days later, he set up a trap on the roof, but still, nothing happened. We didn't hear the noises in attic anymore, and we believed that our tenant had moved out.
I heard his voice this afternoon, and it didn't seem to come from the attic. I went to the window and found that he's outside of our living room. Ha and I went out, but we missed him. An hour later, he's here again, Hee and I went out and found that he's hiding under the cottage. Tonight, he's here again, Stephen went out, and he ran away. I guessed that we will still see each other very often these days.

13 則留言:

May 提到...


claudia 提到...

他會不會留了什麼寶物在你們家? 所以才一直回來...

Happy Family 提到...

C: 金條租金己經付了,當然要繼續住。他們不是一直回來,是根本沒走。

Jenniflower 提到...

Oh, my God!

Sophia 提到...

Can you try to call the "animal control" of some sort???

Jenniflower 提到...

What's your plan of action?

Happy Family 提到...

We paid $125 to set up the trap by licensed trapper but still couldn't get them. Now, they moved away from our attic but may still be in our backyard somewhere.

Steven Houng 提到...

raccoon 白天也會出來活動的嗎? 我以為他們是晚上出來...

Happy Family 提到...

我也以為, but....

Jenniflower 提到...

Did you get $125 back since they did not catch it?

Jenniflower 提到...

Did you get $125 back since they did not catch it?

Happy Family 提到...

NO. $125 was trap set up fee. If they catch one animal, we need to pay $100 extra. One time, a raccoon was almost getting into the trap, and Stephen was saying: "my $100"; however, it didn't get in at the end. Now, we haven't seen them for few days.

Jenniflower 提到...
