2010年6月22日 星期二

Last Day of School: 6/10/10

6/10 was the last day for Ha's 2nd grade class and Hee's kindergarten. This year, Ha made good progress in terms of finishing his homework without my 三催四請五拖六拉,and his math was usually in the challenge group in class. However, he still needs some improvement on writing because he's not good at finding the sentences to write. When I was at his age, writing was one of my strong subjects, I had good imagination, so I could make up my stories easily.Ha didn't know how to make up the stories, so writing was hard for him.

Hee was doing well in class, and he enjoyed his kindergarten life; however, he still had seperation anxiety even in the last month of the school year. He cried few time a week when I was leaving, but he would stop crying as soon as he couldn't see me. It happened not only at school, but at Sunday School, AWANA, too. It worried me because VBS was coming, and I couldn't concentrate on my work if he's not coorperative. 

I signed up for VBS fasting prayer every Tuesday, and on 6/1 (Tuesday), he still cried in the morning at school. During my fasting prayer time, I asked God to help him to be strong, and God answered my prayer. From that day on, he never cried at school, at Sunday School, at living water summer kids program. and he never cried at VBS. It's a miracle, and I thank God for that. When we did the work for God, He also took care of what we concerned.

In August, my kids will be on the first and 3rd grade, Wow, sounds "big"!

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