2010年3月2日 星期二

Taiwan Trip: 農家好

2/22/10 (Monday), brother-in-law borrowed a 9-seat van and take mom, sister, and 4 of us to 宜蘭。

哈哈背後,是整齊的菜圃。 Stephen used to live here, and now, his parents are in Taipei, and they rent this house to sister's relatives who were retired and loved farm life. The location of this house is very nice, 倚山傍水, so they invited their friends over very often. They did good job in terms of maintaining the farm, and they gave us a lot of different veges to Taipei

這就是傳說中的大水溝。 Stephen used to catch fish here when he was young, and he fell in it sometimes. We all heard his stories before, so we knew it very well in our mind. This was the first time that kids got so closed to it.

神幫助我們剛好遇到插秧機,兩個小朋友坐上去好高興。Stephen has many relatives in 宜蘭, and we didn't plan where to go before we left. We went to 農,漁會, Stephen's old house, picked up 4姑 to join us, went for lunch, visited Stephen's big brother, visited 2舅媽, and before we headed back Taipei, sister thought that 大舅媽中風 recently, and we should go and visit her, so we went without calling them. After a short stay, just before we left, we saw a 插秧機開來, and Stephen's cousin was driving it. 他的孩子跳上去, 哈嘻也有興趣,所以也上去,一起插秧。It took less than 30 minutes to finish the whole field, 實在省時省力。If we came a little early, we might miss it; if we came a little late, they might have finished it already, so we thanked God for the perfect timing.

4 則留言:

Jenniflower 提到...

It was a great experience.

May 提到...


Sophia 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

他們說,這樣一片田,以前用人力, 大概三四個人要半天的時間才種得完,現在用機器就快得多了。