2010年3月23日 星期二

Bubee 保溫便當

Kids started the whole day school from the 1st grade, and I bought a thermo lunch box for Ha in case that he wanted to eat something hot for lunch. However, it's not working very well (it's not very warm in 4 hours), and I've been looking for a better one. In January, when we went to Stephen's college classmate reunion, I talked to few moms, and they recommended Bubee. They got Bubee from Taiwan, so when we went to Taiwan, I tried to look for it, but I didn't find it. Last week, when I was in Marina Supermarket, I found that it's on sale, so I bought one. Ha brought clam chowder yesterday and Ravioli today, and he said that both of them were still good and warm (not hot but not cold) on lunch time. I don't like its cap because it's not too easy for kids to open it, but I may still buy one for Hee when he's on the 1st grade.

Ha orderred school hot lunch few times, but he didn't like it because the line was too long, and by the time they got the hot lunch, the lunch time was almost over. He's a slow eater, so he never finished the hot lunch. Tomorrow, he orderred the 炒飯from me, and we'll see how Bubee works with his favorite lunch item.

4 則留言:

nadia 提到...

之前我有幫老公買一個 Bubee 的保溫杯, 挺好用的, 相信他们的 lunch box 應該能保溫較久吧 。

Sophia 提到...

我也常聽說媽媽為準備孩子的午餐傷腦筋. 愛愛明年也上一年級了, 我得多跟你們學習經驗.

Happy Family 提到...

Nadia: So far, 哈哈還覺得不錯;不過當然比不上妳的熱呼呼愛心快遞便當。

Sophia: 哈哈通常會自己點菜,我就照作就可以了。有一陣子,他喜歡 cheese crackers, cereal bars, yogurt,再配點水果或果汁,也是很簡單。這禮拜,他每天都要熱的,因為喜歡他的便當盒。今天中午,我給他帶枷喱飯,就是昨天晚上的飯菜早上微波了再裝進保溫盒,也很快。

Jenniflower 提到...

Never heard of Bubee lunch box. Both Ro and Le have a thermo lunch box. Ro does not like it, but Le is OK with it.