2010年3月8日 星期一

Taiwan trip: An Accident

On 2/22 (Monday), every one had taken the shower, and I was the last one. When I was almost done, I shut the water and turned around trying to hang the towel, 腳一滑,人失了重心,就以仰式跳水的姿勢翻出了高高的浴缸,跌到地上。The main things to blame were the bumps in the bathtub. There were many medium size bumps in the bathtub, and I had no idea what they were for, but they were slippery! Anyways, I heard that mom and Stephen were busy with Dad, so I decided not to bother them. (and because Dad was loud, they might not hear the sound of my falling.) I tried my best to stand up and wear my clothes, and I thought that it would be a good idea to brush my teeth before I went out, but........I didn't remember what happened, but the next thing I knew was that 我正在田裡拔菜 ?Then, I woke up. Oh, it's a dream, and I found myself laying on the floor. I guessed that I fainted for few minutes and since we went to 宜蘭 in the morning,  it's reasonable that I dreamed about the 菜園。

I tried my best to stand up again, and this time, I made to the door, and Mom said that my face was pale. Stephen said that he heard something (maybe the sound when I fainted), but he couldn't open the door. They helped me to my room, and Mom used a  很香的藥水幫我按摩,並貼上藥布。Then, I fell asleep easily.

The second morning, I woke up and got off the bed, but my head still fell funny, so I went back to bed. Stephen started getting nervous, and he started thinking what we should do if I was not ok on Friday, and how we are going to take the plane to the U.S.? He suspected that I bumped my head, so I got fainted, but I touched my whole head, and it's not hurt at all. 真的是神的保守。  He prayed for me. I was still peaceful and joyful and started throwing out the jokes to ease the situation. I told him that if I was not ok on Friday, we could get the wheelchair in the airport, and people would help us with the luggages, how nice!

I tried to get down again, and this time, I was doing much better. God's healing power was amazing! I walked fine with little pain, and we even  一起去逛傳統市場 (有點像這裡的Farmer's Market)
That afternoon, Stephen and kids went to find good wheelchairs and bed for Dad, and I stayed home and took a nap. Other than that, I did everything other people did....went to Taipei 101,中正紀念堂,臺大 and 公館, and we were back to the U.S. on Friday. While we were waiting at the gate for airplane, there were at least 15 people sitting on the wheelchairs. I guessed that they were a senior tour group. Thanks for God's rapid healing, so I was not one of them.

After I came back to the U.S., I got the X-Ray taken to confirm that my bone was ok. According to the acupunture doctor, he had two patients with broken ribs because of falling in the bathtub. 真的要感謝神的保守,使我的受傷不致成為大家的負擔,最重要的,現在大家都知道那個浴池很滑,我們先去買了一個防滑墊鋪上,他們以後再決定是不是要打掉。

Now, I still feel it, but it doesn't bother my daily function except a little discomfort when I make a big movement. It actually helps me to maintain a good posture when I carry things or make movements.

11 則留言:

Sophia 提到...

Oh, Ouch....... Thank God that you are recovering. Taking shower in TW can be this dangerous.. Scary...I remember I slipped in the bathtub when we were at the City Center Plaza, then we made some improvement on our bathtub... Hahaha.... Thank God for His protection! Ran said did you use water too hot to cause faint?

Sophia 提到...

I hope you had your clothes on when Mom-in-law came to rescue you!

Happy Family 提到...

Actually, I fainted after I got my clothes on, so when they saw me (I walked out of the bathroom by myself), I was well-dressed. I was using the shower head, so it shouldn't be too hot.

May 提到...


Happy Family 提到...


nadia 提到...

台灣的一些浴室真的是暗藏危機, 要很小心才行!
可見妳一定摔得很痛, 才會暈過去, 還好感謝主的保守, 人沒受傷就好, 熱敷或許有一點幫助減少疼痛 。

May 提到...


Happy Family 提到...


Judy Huang 提到...

I am so glad to hear everything was fine! What an accident! You fainted?! Wow... praise God that you were fine!

Happy Family 提到...

Yes, God looks after us wherever we are.

Jenniflower 提到...

OMG, 感謝神的保守!