2010年3月17日 星期三

New Schedule for Ha

Ha is a very slow person; actually, he's the slowest person whom I know. He is slow because he can't concentrate on what he's doing and he's always distracted by the things, sounds, lights...around him. He's interested in any little thing around him, and in his eyes, everything, including tooth brush, pencil or eraser, is fun to play with and to "study" .  In our eyes, he's wasting a lot of time. He used to go to bed around 9pm; however, he's pushing it later and later each day because he's wasting more and more time. Finally, one day, after I told him to speed up, he got an idea, and it might be one of the best things ever happened to me after he's born. The next day, Ha and I worked together to come up with this schedule. I made schedule for him before, but it didn't work too well, but since he made this schedule by himself, he was doing good at following it, and he seemed to have some extra time each day. Last night, except for doing everything on the schedule, he also found time to paint, and he even went to bed before Hee. Hee thought that Ha didn't take a shower because when he got in, Ha wasn't in yet, and when he was out, Ha had already been out. Hee couldn't believe that Ha was so fast; actually, I'm still adjusting it as well.

Lord, please help Ha continue to follow the schedule. What a wonderful life for me!!!!

8am wake up

8:45am go to school

3:30pm watch TV

4:00pm eat snack

4:50pm homework

5:30pm chinese homework

6:50pm dinner

7:40pm play piano

8:00pm reading

8:30pm bathtime

8:47pm brush teeth

8:50,9:00 sleeptime

7 則留言:

May 提到...


Happy Family 提到...


Pko2003 提到...


Sophia 提到...

哇, 哈哈還蠻忙的嘛. 目前愛愛沒有功課, 也什麼都沒學, 每天逍遙自在. 愛愛動作也比弟弟慢很多. 起床從睡著到起來要十分鐘, 從坐在床上到穿衣又要約十分鐘.蠻拖拉的. 我家我和弟弟是快性子, 老公和愛愛是慢郎中.我也會為哈哈禱告!

Happy Family 提到...

說實在的,如果仔細研究他的schedule,妳們會發現他雖然排了很多東西,但實際上真的“work” (homework, chinese, piano, reading) 的時間都很短。不過他每天按著schedule,我就很高興了。


claudia 提到...

阿....我真懷念我結婚前的睡覺時間, 跟ha是差不多的.....

Happy Family 提到...

Claudia: 奇怪,在這裡怎麼看不到妳的留言了?沒錯,妳那時真是超乎常人的正常。現在是Steven把妳帶壞了嗎?