2009年8月20日 星期四


It's the first day of Ha's 2nd grade and Hee's kindergarten year. In the morning, Hee told me that he didn't want to go to school, but later, he acted better than I thought. Neither Stephen nor I wanted to miss their first day of school, so we drove 2 cars to school (so Stephen could go to work directly). The parking was so hard! I guessed that every parent didn't want to miss their children's first day of school. I imagined that it would be bad if we needed to say good-bye at the doorway to Hee, and he would definitely cry. Fortunately, Hee's teacher (who's also Ha's kindergarten teacher) was experienced, and she asked parents to go into the classroom with the kids. After all the kids were settled in their spots, she asked kids to say good bye to parents together. Hee was ok with that. He has a preschool classmate in his class ( Hee said that he did say hi to her today), and I knew a girl from our church's VBS.
At noon, I went to pick up Hee. Ha's lunch area was just in front of Hee's classroom, so I was able to see him as well. Both told me that they were doing good on the first day of school, and they seemed happy.
Ha knew his teacher when he was in kindergarten, and he had 2 people who was in the same kindergarten class with him; however, none of his first grade classmates is in his 2nd grade class. He can only see them during recess and lunch time. Hopefully, he can make friends soon.

6 則留言:

nadia 提到...


Pko2003 提到...


May 提到...

忝喜Ha Ha,Hee Hee,又升了一級.

Happy Family 提到...

Nadia: For some reason, their school always starts on Thursday.
Pei: 真是勤學的小孩。

Jenniflower 提到...


Happy Family 提到...
