2009年8月17日 星期一


This summer (after Ha's summer school ended), every weekday night and Sat. afternoon, we go to YMCA to swim, and every Saturday morning, we go to Memorial park to learn biking.

Ha and Hee have been riding on the 4-wheel bikes for few years, and we thought that it's about time for Ha to take off the training wheels. Since Ha's bike is high, and his feet can hardly touch the ground, we decided to use Hee's bike for them to learn for now, and Hee can learn it, too.

Stephen was the main coach 在後面幫他們扶車推車, and I was the 啦啦隊,在前面搖旗吶喊,要他們騎過來追我。They have made good progress, and last Saturday (8/15), Ha already can ride a short distance without people's help. Hee's was doing good, too, but Stephen still needed to help him a little. I forgot to bring my camera to the park, and I hope that I will remember to bring it this weekend to capture this memorable milestone in their lives.

12 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...


Happy Family 提到...


Sophia 提到...


Happy Family 提到...


Sophia 提到...

我前幾天帶他們去游泳, 信信穿著救生衣完全能漂浮游狗爬式, 愛愛倒是前幾天才第一次敢全身下水(她以前腳下水就算不錯了). 兩人都有進步, 我好開心.

Happy Family 提到...

Last month when we went to Sea World, Aiai was scared of sitting on the splash zone, and now, she was able to get in the water, big peogress!

Jenniflower 提到...

Ro is still using the learning wheels.

nadia 提到...


Karen 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

JF: 女孩子比較沒關係
Nadia: Stephen 比較有耐心,我只是跟在旁邊搞笑
Karen: 我是國一還是國二才學的,因為Jennifer 先想學,所以我們才買腳踏車。

Jenniflower 提到...


Happy Family 提到...
