2009年5月8日 星期五

Who Cares

A few weeks ago, I noticed that when I asked Hee not to do....., he would stop doing that and said "Who cares". I told him that they were not very nice words, and he never said that ever since.
Last week, when I asked him not to do something, I heard him mumble to himself "誰管”。 I wasn't very sure about what I heard, and I didn't believe that he had the ability to translate the word "care", so I asked him what he said. He said "nothing", so I was sure that he said that. Then, I asked him how to translate "who cares", he told me "誰管", and he admitted that he was saying "誰管" few minutes ago. I told him that bad English words are still bad even when they were translated into other languages, so I asked him not to speak "誰管" in the future, and I never heard of that ever since.

Yesterday, he told me that at school, he heard a kids saying "who cares", and he went to tell the teacher. Oops, in our childhood, we didn't like this kind of 打小報告的狗腿同學; however, I hoped that he can feel free to go to the teacher when there's a need (for example, being bullied), and I didn't think that he's old enough to draw a line of when he needs to go to the teacher, so I didn't say anything to him about 打小報告.

5 則留言:

Jenniflower 提到...

I told Cheryl many improper words taht she should not say. Everytime when she heard people say those words, she always told me people said bad words.

nadia 提到...

小孩上學後,就會跟同學學bad words,當父母的實在要隨時注意小孩的言行舉止。呼呼也常講who cares,已經被我說了很多次。

Sophia 提到...

最近愛愛信信說的讓我聽不順耳的話就是稱他們不愛吃的東西:yucky! 我告訴他們食物是上帝造的, 有些也是媽媽辛苦做的, 不喜歡吃可以說不喜歡吃, 但不能說yucky. 警告過後還說, 我就說再說要管教, 現在就沒聽他們說了.

Pko2003 提到...



Happy Family 提到...

When the kids are young, it's easier for us to correct their misbehavior since they are around most of the time, but after they get older and spend more time at school, it's hard for parents to pay attention to what they say or do.