2009年5月28日 星期四

Cooking in the backyard

When we were young, my grandma's house had a garden at 頂樓, and we called it 屋頂花園。 Every afternoon, after we were home from school, we finished our homework fast and went to the garden to play.

We sang the songs, danced, and cooked in the garden, and of course, we helped to water the plants and to weed.

My dad got this little kitchen long time ago, and Ha and Hee didn't play with it very often. I moved it to the backyard and taught Hee to cook (just like what we did when we were young, and weeds and fallen leaves were the best vegetables for kid's kitchen).

2 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

Hee 對幫忙拔雜草沒什麼興趣,不過叫他拔雜草當青菜煮,他就去。